Update on January Block of the Month

The drawing for these blocks was at our March general meeting.  There were over 80 blocks turned in so we split the blocks 3 ways!  I ended up taking home one set because one of the winners was not in attendance.  If a person can't be at the meeting they can put in for the drawing as long as they turn in the block before the meeting.

I played with the blocks a bit before delivering them to their winner.  Here are some of the layouts that I came up with.

If you are interesting in the source and constructions of these blocks go to:

And if you are looking for the April BOM instructions go to:

First up is the old random color scheme.  There were 28 blocks total so I made it 4 x 7 blocks.
Some of the possiblities would necessitate making a few more blocks but these blocks are so fun and easy to make that's not a problem.
In horizontal rows of color...
Then I tried colors by diagonal...
Grouped in random color sets of 4 seperated by some yet to be determined sashing...
And lastly sets of 4 arranged by colors...
I think my favorites are the two where the colors are randomly distributed.  But this last one is growing on me.  It really needs another vertical row to make it a bed sized quilt.  The blocks finish at 10".  Maybe even two rows?!  Well they were really fun to make and play with.
And now they are with their lucky winner!
Happy Weekend!
Cheers, Claire W.


  1. Cool blocks. Seems like the possibilities are endless!

  2. It's always interesting to see different layouts - the same blocks can have such varied effects.


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