North West Recipes- Or what to do with 5 gallons of Blackberries!

I haven't done a lot of sewing since we got to the cabin 'cause my kids and g-kids were all visiting over Fri. toTues.  But since we had a whole lot of people here I've been doing A LOT of cooking!

We have many favorite recipes for the cabin.  Several focusing on the wild Black Berries that grow abundantly all around our cabin this time of year.  And since Berry picking is a favorite activity of the young and old a like I had more than enough berries to make 3 batches of jam, 2 crisps and a buckle!  So here are some recipes that I highly recommend and I hope you enjoy!

First up is Black Berry Crisp,  This is about as tasty (and simple) as a confection can be.  There's at least 40 variations on the web but I stumbled across Chef John's recipe and I really like it. The link is below the picture.

Next up is a recipe I found in this fundraiser cookbook, from about 1970?!
It's titled Huckleberry Buckle.  But if you've ever picked Huckleberries you know it will take you all day to pick 4 cups of Huckleberries! Blackberries make an excellent substitute.
 This was the last morsel.  It's basically a coffee cake with blackberry filling and a crumble top.  But I always introduced it as "the best coffee cake ever!"
I use butter instead of shortening and twice as many berries. And I always make a double recipe (so that's 8 cups of berries!) and it bakes up real nice in my 10" x 15" pyrex baking dish.

Last but not least my way to make Blackberry jam,  it's very simple;
- 8 cups of berries into a good heavy pot.  Mash the berries and bring to a simmer.  If the berries are real juicy let them simmer for a while on low 'til some of the liquid has cooked off. 
 -My general rule is to add half as much sugar as the volume of berries.  8 cups of berries gets 4 cups of sugar.  But taste the berries!  If they are really sweet you might want to use a little less. 
-This year my first batch was 8 cups of berries and 4 cups of sugar and it was sooooo sweet the second batch was 16 cups of berries and I added  just 6 cups of sugar.  I think it came out better.
-I also like to mix about 2-3 tsp. cinnamon and 1/2 to 1 tsp. of ground clove to the sugar.
-I use to just eyeball the soft ball stage. It jelled about 60% of the time and when it didn't I called it Sauce!
-now I use a candy thermometer and bring the boiling mixture to 220 degrees and it almost always jells!  Who'd a thought!
As you can read,  I cook kinda the way I sew...close is good enough!
Well I don't hear anyone complaining! tee hee

My g-daughter and I made some fresh lemonade and we added some fresh Blackberry juice.  It was very pretty and tastey!

Let me know If you try one of these recipes, I'd love your feedback!
Have a sweet week!
Cheers, CW


  1. Oh that blackberry buckle looks yummy--I'll be blueberries would be good, too...I may try it...thanks for sharing hugs, Julierose

  2. First off I love your flannel quilts in your previous post! A wonderful addition for your cabin.
    Yum Yum Yum! Your blackberry crisp looks delicious. We used to live on the Washington coast and I miss the blackberries.


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