'Will Sew for Free Scraps...
My friend Randy let me paw through her scrap bag last week. Now, Randy is a long time, prolific quilter, consequently her scrap bag is deep, wide and full of lots of wonderful surprizes so this was not just any foraging event! By the time I got home I was feeling more than a little guilty about how greedy I had been. Randy had mentioned she was in a block swap of 4-patches. The pattern is called Dipped -in - Chocolate. The 4-patches finish at 1.5" ! To ease my quilty conscience and say thank you I emailed Randy to say I would make some 4-patches for her. With the scraps already cut there were lots that I could use without having to cut first so I whipped her up a bunch. Here's a really neat trick for making 4-patches real quick- this size 1.5" finished. -Take 2 - 2.5" strips, minimum length I would say is 2.5" (yields 2, 4-patches) but for every 1.25" in length you get another 4-patch - put the strips right sides...