
Showing posts from September, 2012

'Will Sew for Free Scraps...

My friend Randy let me paw through her scrap bag last week.  Now, Randy is a long time, prolific quilter, consequently her scrap bag is deep, wide and full of lots of wonderful surprizes so this was not just any foraging event!  By the time I got home I was feeling more than a little guilty about how greedy I had been.  Randy had mentioned she was in a block swap of 4-patches.  The pattern is called Dipped -in - Chocolate.  The 4-patches finish at 1.5" !  To ease my quilty conscience and say thank you I emailed Randy to say I would make some 4-patches for her.  With the scraps already cut there were lots that I could use without having to cut first so I whipped her up a bunch. Here's a really neat trick for making 4-patches real quick-  this size 1.5" finished. -Take 2 - 2.5" strips, minimum length I would say is 2.5" (yields 2,  4-patches) but for every 1.25" in    length you get another 4-patch - put the strips right sides...

Fabric Shopping on the Internet

I believe in shopping in my local shops and businesses.  So when ever I'm looking for some specific fabric I go to my local quilt stores to see what I can find.  However being the thrifty (and somewhat lazy) person that I am, when I want a random fabric fix I often turn to the Internet. I recently bought a variety pack from Keepsake Quilters which was an excellent deal.  100 Fat Quarters for $99.00.  That's basically $1.00/ FQ = $4.00/ yard!  And it was a great mix of fabrics, all good quality and all (except maybe one or two) I really liked. Out of the box...and sorted You may think I'm nuts, but I guess I've just gotten to a place where almost any color or style is good and useable...somewhere!  If that makes sense?! Over many years I've bought quite a bit of fabric on the Internet.  This has generally been a good experience.  Once in awhile I get some fabric which does not have the best  quality of  grey goods...

The Fabric's in the mail...well almost.

Melissa of Kurtzcraft chose the color orange as a guideline for shopping through my stash.  That was a  surprising and somewhat challenging choice.  But I think my stash stepped up to the occasion.  I made Melissa a little display.  She has emailed me her picks and now I am off to assemble them.  As well as those other treats I mentioned.  cheers, Claire W.

And the winner is......

Congratulations to KrutzCrafts you are my lucky winner!  A virtual bouquet for the winner!  And 10 fat quarters in your favorite flavors! Check out her web site And to all my new followers who read my blog yesterday, many thanks, and yes I meant what I said (wrote) so send me your preferences in fabric and your snail mail (if you have not already).  cheers, Claire W.

bloging along ...singing a song

A little up-date on Grandaughter;  She's basted and ready to 'primitive' quilt. a lot of people made the comment that 'pimitive quiting'  might be just the thing for Grandaughter. And just so you don't think I'm a one trick pony with this primitive,  scissors and tape measure thing;  I made another top. The genesis of this project was a care package of scraps from my good friend Randy .  There were some large already-cut triangles in the package that immediately caught my interest.  I also did a little Internet shopping and had that mailed to my current location.  I pawed through that and found some go-withs.  This is how I cut the other triangles. Just lay the cut triangles across the stack of fat quarters and carefully sniped around and between the triangles. You might not know they were 'free' cut if  I didn't tell ya?! My plan was to make enough THS to make a total of 12 broken ...