
Showing posts from October, 2014

Happy Halloween! Quick wall Hanging

If you are looking for my blogger's festival entries scroll down to my last post. I'm always on the look out for printed panels that would make nice holiday gifts and quick decorations.  Sometimes , like the panel below, you can find them off season at good discounts! This was 1/2 of a panel that I found online for about $6.00.  I also got the backing on sale, so the total cost with batting was about $7.00! The construction time was pretty minimal as well.  Whenever possible for wall hangings and small quilts I use the following quick turn method so's to save time: Start by putting front to back, right sides together and sewing all the way around.  On the back side cut a slit approximately in the middle of where the hanging sleeve is going to be sewn.  Be careful not to cut beyond the width of the planned sleeve. Put a few pins on both sides of the slit so it does not shift when you flip it back over to the front side.  Smooth flat an...

Blogger's Quilt Festival - October 2014

Thanks to Amy and all her helpers and sponsors for the chance to participate in the Blogger's Quilt Festival!  It already looks like an interesting group of quilts and sites to visit! This is my entry for the Modern Quilts category.   I call it "Chutes and Ladders" (the chutes are in the quilting)  It is an original design but I thought it fit best in the "Modern" category. 87" x 87" You can read about how I constructed and quilted this quilt  here  . For my second entry I chose this Art Quilt.  Altho' I named this quilt "Modern Scraps #1  I meant it to be a wall hanging and since it is not a traditional design but one of my own invention I think fits in better with the Art Quilts.  40" x 45"                You can read about how I constructed this quilt and all it's particulars   here  and  here . I've already visited a bunch of sites and seen some great quilts!  Have ...

Crazy Old Quilts

I purchased this quilt top at my local guild's last Quilt Fair last Feb.  It's in really good shape and nicely embroidered around each scrape! There are some great 'excentric' shaped scraps in it.  You can almost figure out the garment pieces that they were leftover from?! Almost as interesting as the front is the foundation fabric used for the back. I bought this top quite a number of years ago at a local Antique shop.  I thought the color scheme was kind of different from other string quilts.  Mostly blue and grey...alot of 'utility' fabrics. And foundation fabrics very similar to the first quilt!  And look how frugal (and perhaps poor) the maker was, even picking out the pleats and gathers to make the most of their fabric! When I was a kid my mom had a rag bag filled with old dresses and aprons etc.  Now days most of our family's clothes are given away before they are worn out and those that are really worn out are often...

American Museum in Britain

Our last day in the UK we visited the American Museum in Britain.  I knew the Museum had a collection of vintage quilts from the US but I was pleasantly surprized to find they were having a special retrospective exhibit of Kaffe Fassett's work!  Here's a little sampling.  I vaguely knew that Kaffe Fassett started his adventure in textiles in the knitting and wool depsrtment but I had never really seen any examples.  The above piece is all knit!  Aren't these colors great?!  I like the simple quilting around the motifs in the prints.  It serves to quilt everything moreless evenly while complimenting the printed fabric!  There were lots of examples of his needlepoint, isn't this pattern fantastic!  His knitting is amazing too!  The quilt patterns are (for the most part) not to complicated but it's all about color, color, color!  I think he must have a pretty good sense of humor too... A sweater for a lamp ...