
Showing posts from June, 2015

More Ships!

Lynn over at  has been making a whole bunch of boat blocks! I took a screen pic to pique your curiosity.  Check out Lynn's blog she's got a bunch of recent posts with some great projects. I just love the way these blocks look together!  Picking a good BOM is hard but I think this one really holds up to the test of 'what works'. Next month I'm kicking the idea around of a Scrappy Modern block.  We'll see... Thanks to Lynn for linking with me it's been fun seeing her collections of boat blocks grow! Cheers, CW

June BOM- Accurate Piecing the Continuing Saga

The genesis of choosing this block for BOM was a picture of a quilt from one of Barbra Brackman's blogs.  Here's the link: I liked the quilt right off and the thing that made me think it might make a good BOM is that it really did not seem to make a difference what the background was (as long as the sails and background had good contrast) because the bright solid sail boats are really what catches and holds your attention.  I figured maybe I could supply a batch of solids for continuity and the fun could be in choosing the prints! I started by making some sample blocks. Well, yes, I got a little carried away but they were so much fun to make I just kept experimenting with background prints and they all seemed to play well together! So here's how I put these blocks together to get accurate 10.5" blocks unfinished. Cutting instructions: From the solid: cut 1- 3.5" ...

Have you checked your quarter inch lately?!

This month I start a year long commitment to provide the BOM (Block of the Month) for my local guild.  I will be posting each project the second Monday of each month.  So I have been thinking a lot about accuracy and that 1/4 inch thing.  Accuracy is not a huge issue for most of the kind of piecing that I like to do but for some and particularly people receieving the winnings of the BOM it can be a big deal.  So I thought I would do a pre-BOM post about how to check ones 1/4".  If you are new to the game, have trouble getting things to turn out the right size or if you are like me with a new machine this is a worth while exercise! I recently bought an old model Singer from my friend  Randy .  It's such a cute little machine I could not resist!!  And since my Bernina is in the shop this week I got out the 301A to give her a test run. This machine did not have a 1/4 inch foot.  The seam allownances are marked on the metal throat plate...