
Showing posts from December, 2015

Happy Holidays!

I managed to get a few goodies sewn and ready for gift giving! I made this for my grand daughter.  It measures about 50" x 60" I used a minky throw for the backing (no need for batting that way) it's very cuddly!                                           Last year I made aprons for eveyone so this year I made potholders.  I just love the graphix on these coffee fabrics! So much fun to work with!   And here's Maxine with her xmas wisdom! I thought the Blah Humbug was appropriate backing for Maxine!  What's your favorite thing to sew for stocking stuffers?  I think mine is these kind of potholders,  the fabric is fun to play/ sew with and they are quick and easy and who doesn't need some new potholder?! I hope you all have a wonderful Holidays Surounded by all your favorite people! Cheers, Claire W.

Charitable quilts ready to go!

I always try to get some Charitable quilts ready to donate this time of year.  Here's the latest batch. 40" x 40"   These are orphan blocks from my friend Billie. 36" x 42"  These two will go to Jacobs Heart or CASA. 36" x 48" 36" x 38" These last two are going to the vets program.  They request this size as it is a good diamention for lap quilts for people in wheel chairs. 45" x 60" I think this one will go to the summer camp program. Have a great Sunday! Cheers, Claire W.

More Trees and Congrates to the winners of my give away!!!

Congrates to Sandy H. and Sheila S. for being the winners of my giveaway!!!  email me where you would like me to send your prizes and I will get them in the mail right away!   Next Months Give Away will  coincide with my next Block of the Month post on Jan. 11th 2016!  Yikes! How time flies !! My small quilt group got together yesterday and we put all our trees together!                                          Here are some of the shapes they designed!                                                                                                              i I wou...

Riffing on the Tree blocks and Holiday give away!!

THE Holiday Give Away is featured at the bottom of the post! riff  | rif |=  noun (in popular music and jazz) a  short  repeated phrase, frequently played over changing chords or harmonies or used as a background to a solo improvisation :  a brilliant guitar riff . •  a monologue or spoken  improvisation , esp. a  humorous  one, on a particular subject :  subsequent  riffs on the same themes were hysterical! The inspiration for this post came from these two posts over at Cath Hall's blogspot, Wombat Quilts.  Check out the pix of the tree quilts she posted: My small quilt group decided to make a quilt for our Guild Auction using the pix on Wombat Quilts as inspiration.  Each of us were going to make 7 blocks and then we'll combine them to make a lap quilt.  I started making tree block...

Birthday Gifts

If you are looking for the Nov. BOM  check the Tab at the top for the link! My grand daughter is turning two on Dec. 6th!! She is such a Joy!  She loves to sort things, put them away and tiddy-up!  My kids were always the opposite,  Maximum Mess! LOL!  Anyway,  I Thought she'd enjoy theses wooden shapes on pegs.  A great sorting game and lots of options for putting things away! One of my master teachers use to say ' pick toys that you would like to play with, you're sure to play  with your kids more often'. I love colors and shapes too! I thought a little bag to keep them together might help! And save on wraping paper! Another recent birthday;  my next younger Brother-in-law just turned 60!  I figured that deserved a quilt?!  And fortunately I had one on hand that I thought might suit him. "Purple, Green and Blue Scraps"  about 60" x 60" I made this as a class sample for my Scrap Strategies clas...