
Showing posts from January, 2016

PVQA Quilt Fair- Challenge Blocks

Every Year my local guild (Pajaro Valley Quilt Assosiation, Santa Cruz County, California ) offers up several challenges to our membership to produce a variety of projects to be exhibited at the show.  This year my friend Jan organized the Block Challenge and I thought it was a particularly fun idea. These blocks were definitely improved so I'm linking up with AHIQ Check it out! Each package contained a 13" square of the blue background fabric with the instructions to produce a block/s that depict something that you would see in your neighborhood.  Additionally the block could be any multiple of 3" in width and height.  So you could make a 3"x 6" block or  6"x 6" or 6"x 9" or 9" x12"  etc. I decided to make mine 6" x 6".  First I made a house and that was so much fun I went on and made a few more. I left the 4 blocks seperate so who ever wins them can lay them out however it suits.  I kind of like the 'all in ...

Update on the Tree Quilt

Our small quilt group got the top all together and I managed to get it quilted in time for our next meeting to put the binding on.  I think it came out rather well (if I do say so myself)?! Also; I'm linking up with Oh scrap.  This is a great way to make a group effort Scrap project!  Very, very Scrappy! The inspiration for this quilt came from some pix at Wombat quilts.  check it out! I really liked the way that Cath's group quilted their Tree quilt and I wanted to try to do something similar on our group quilt. The wavy lines with the light background kind of remind me of wind moving through the trees?!  It was fun to quilt and way easier than a lot of other overall patterns.  To get myself started with moreless  equal waves I folded a piece of butcher paper into thirds and cut one wave.  When unfolded that provided three fairly uniform waves.  Afte...

And the Winner is...

Sorry for the slow drawing (so to speak).  We went to Idianapolis for 5 days to visit our grand daughter and her parents and I was so enchanted that I forgot all about blogland et al. Anywho the Winner is Barbara Woods! This really makes me smile 'cause Barbara and I have been visiting each other's Blogs for a really long time!  So, Congrates Barbara!  Send me your snail mail and I'll get that squishy package in the mail asap! Cheers, Claire W.

January BOM and Give Away!

PVQA January 2016 BOM- “Heart and modified 9 Patch Blocks”                     2 - 6.5” Unfinished Details of the Give Away are at the bottom of the post! This month’s BOM is actually 2 very simple blocks with a Valentine theme designed to work side by side! I know it may seem a little early for Valentines, we've barely recovered from xmas!  But with a BOM you've got to anticipate the holiday or it will be gone before you know it!? Fabric:   All fabrics need not be Valentine themed.   Simple matching V-Day colors are OK too. Background fabric for the heart block and modified 9 patch can be the same or different, but both should be white with small print or white on white and have good contrast with the other fabrics.   Applique fabric for the heart can be any fabric reminiscent of Valentines Day. Center and corner fabrics for the modified 9 patch should be a dark or bright red print or tone...

A Little Shopping for myself over the holidays!

In Junior High (and it was clear that I really liked sewing as a pass time) my mother bought me and my sister a Singer 221.  I think it's almost smaller than a featherweight?!  It's certainly lighter!   Then in High School my mom said since I was sewing so much and getting into more complicated patterns etc.  we could trade the little sewing machine in for the bigger fancier Golden Touch and Sew.  I was happy about the trade and my mother was really pleased because the Salesman gave us the original value of the old machine toward the new machine! Well I used that machine for probably 25 years until my repairman said It needed a major overhaul to get it going again and maybe I should apply that to a new machine *&^(*%!!!  Well, that Was good advice 'cause I bought a new bernina and that has been a great machine.  But part of me still pined for that little toy 221 and at the Dec. Guild meeting some one was selling one and on impulse I snapped it...