
Showing posts from May, 2017

What did Yavonne Porchella have to do with the "Summer of Love" ?

My husband and I made a trip up to San Francisco to go to the Monet exhibit.  But due to not reading the tickets thoroughly we went to the De Young museum assuming that's where the show was.   When we handed the ticket confirmation to the clerk he informed us that the Monet exhibit was at the Palace of Legion Of Honor!  Boy did we feel stupid!  But he said the "Summer of Love" Show was currently at the De Young and would we like to see it before going over to the Palace?! The show was great, a real trip down memory lane! But probably what was most fun for me was seeing a name I recognized from the quilt world! I've been a fan of Yvonne Porcella's work from the very beginning of my interest in quilting. She's right up there with Nancy Crow and Jean Ray Laury for having helped spark the Quilt Renaissance of the second half of the 20th Century. The show focused on the music, garments, poster and other arts and crafts as a way of illustrating this inte...

PVQA May 2017 BOM - Flying geese

Sorry for the delay on these instructions I've been traveling a lot and that makes wifi a little dicey for posting. This is a really fun block and I've included a relatively new technique for making flying geese units 4 at a time!  I first saw this on Randy's blog (Barrister's Block) back when she was posting her first Sow-a-long.  You can make any size "geese" by adding 7/8" to the height and    1 1/4" to the width to the finished size of the geese units that you need.  These geese units will be 2.5' x 5" -finished. Fabrics Choose colors in light to medium shades of blue, green, pink, purple, grey, black or white .   You will be making 2 sets of Flying Geese units.   For each set of “geese” choose one solid color and one print .   The prints should be graphic:   dots, stripes, circles, zig-zags etc.   Make one set where the “geese” are solid and the background is a print and the other set will have printed “geese” and a...

Up date on April BOM "Spring Baskets"

"Spring Baskets" had a pretty good turn out, 23 blocks!  You can find the instructions  here .  It's a fun block that uses a half of a layer cake (5" x 10") for the basket and a little more than a half of a layer cake for the background. And, yes, there is that basket with the funny handle.  It is our guilds policy to be forgiving to the new bees and boo-boos of all quilter's attempts.   Our mission like most guilds is primarily Educational and we encourage new bees to try new things, to learn and expand their skills by participating in the Block of the Month program.  First tries are often not perfect but it's a beginning! Speaking of BOM's;  if you're looking for the May BOM instructions they will be ready in a few days.  Sorry for the delay, last week was very very busy. Cheer, Claire W.

Happy Mother's Day!

A Virtual Bouquet, Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day! I wish I could send you the fragrance as well. There's nothing sweeter smelling than a bouquet of Sweet Peas! Have a Sweet Day! Cheers, Claire W.

Update on March PVQA BOM 2017

These blocks were turned in at our April meeting for the "Tribute to Jean Ray Luary " which was presented at our March general meeting. (See link to original post below)  As you can see there were not very many takers for this project.  But that is not unusual for either applique projects or "Artsy" projects.  There's just something intimidating to some people to just making stuff up. I think the people who did make blocks did a fantastic job!  These portraits are really fun and each one is unique!  These blocks will make a great wall hanging! I decided my first attempt (see the link above) was to grimm so I made another portrait.  This one was not a self portrait.  I just wanted to make an interesting character.  She's kind of serious but she does not look as sour as my first attempt.  I seem to have a problem drawing smiles?!   I don't feel like that, I ge...