
Showing posts from July, 2017

A Top Finish!

Several years ago Randy, Lori and I went to the Quilt Mart in Portland Oregon.  It was sooooo much fun!  The best part was the evening wear the vendors sell their Pre-cuts at special discounts.  It's called something like "Shopping Spree" or something like that.  I dropped a good bit of coin that night! LOL Amongst my many purchases I bought a jelly roll and a fat quarter bundle of Amy Butler's (then) new line.  This is the second top that I've finished using those fabs. The first one is one I finished in Sun River at Randy's retreat. The genesis of these two projects was making a whole bunch of HSTs.  Pairing each print with white,  because I wanted to make the quilt shown below.  But of course I made way more than I needed and thus the center of the above quilt got started.  But then I was stuck; " how to frame it?"! The problem with using collections is sometimes the prints and colors are so well coordinated with each other i...

Happy 100th B-day to Bea!

An acquaintance from Guild, Bea Casey,  is turning 100 years old in August.  Some of her family and friends made blocks for her and put together this quilt.  I quilted it as my part of the present. Of course with a name like Bea (Beatrice) most of the blocks had a very Bee theme. Some of the blocks were so imaginative.... Being a beginning bee keeper, myself, it was great fun to study all the different blocks. This one is my favorite!    Bea really is a Queen.  She is such a wonderful person.  She is a long time quilter.  I think she might even be a charter member of the guild.  PVQA turns 40 this year!  Bea always volunteers to help at the Fair.  For many years she brought her Treadle sewing machine and demo'ed how to use it. These kind of straw based hives are not allowed in the USA anymore.  I'm not sure why except that in order to harvest the honey you have to completely disassemble them which technically kills ...

More Sister's Pix

I hope you are not tooo tired of Sister's pix?!  There were just so many fabulous quilts! This installment features quilts from Portlands Modern Quilt Guild.  I thought there row-by-row projects were especially interesting.  Amazing how different they look despite the basic idea!   I think this will be my last Sister's installment.  I've been doing a lot of sewing, 'got lots of things to share.  Happy weekend to everyone! cheers, Claire W.

More Sister's Pix

Here are some more pix from the Teacher's Tent.  There were so many great quilts this year it was hard to edit them all.  The quilts in general had a decidedly Modern bent this year. Traditional quilts were far and few between. Such a contrast to years ago! Enjoy! I think this last one is a great variation of the Jelly Roll run with the flying geese interspersed and the black strips on the sides to help tone things down.  I might try that! cheers, CW