
Showing posts from June, 2018

Patterns, Patterns everywhere!

I'm always on the lookout for block and quilting patterns.  Stain glass,  Tiles, Carvings;  they all suggest possibilities!  Here are a few I've seen along the way... Even the door sills...   and the tops of buildings provide ideas for designs! Coming from California where architectural designs tend to be more modern (and somewhat thin on the ground) traveling in Europe is a veritable smorgasbord of design ideas! Such a visual treat! My DH and I have had a lot of fun traveling around,  listening, looking and learning, but it's time to get back to our home to more mundane tasks.  The weeds need pulling,  the bills need paying,  but happily my sewing machine awaits! Have a wonderful weekend! Cheers, CW

Quick snaps from Spain.

                                       Roman wall around the old city of Lugo. Quite a different perspective when looking at houses from their back yards?! The Camino de Santiago markers.  There are many different paths to Santiago de Compestello. "The tower of Hercules" in A Coruna the oldest continuously used light house in the world!  Dates back to Roman times here in Spain. Have a great week! cheers, cw

A walk in the Mountains!

It was quite a drive from the Coast of the Bay of Biscay.  It's not that far as the crow flies but it took quite awhile because the road was so windy (and Scary) to get up to this mountain village called Cain de Valdeleon.    Cain is at the end of the road and the beginning of a fabulous trail in the Picos de Europa Mountains. You can see on the left in the picture the trail is literally carved out of the side of the mountain in some places!  It is (to invoke a '60's term) Pretty Trippy!  And with all of the rain that's been happening in Spain lately the river that runs along the trail was gushing with water and made all the waterfalls really dramatic too!  The mountains are all granite or some hard rock like that.  They remind me a bit of Yosemite but much more spread out. There's my DH trudging down the trail.  It was about 7 miles round trip which was about as much as our old bones could handle, but it was worth it! There's ...

Basque Country

First stop Bilboa to see the famous Guggenheim Museum designed by Frank Geary.  Just walking around this amazing structure took a fair part of the morning! When you approach the museum you are greeted by the "puppy"  The surface is completely cover by low growing flowers! Quilt patterns are never to far away!  Pavers make suggestions where ever we go!                                                                     Then on to the coast on the Bay of Biscay!  A beautiful coast line with many picturesque Ports and other historical sites like San Juan de Gaztelugatxe. It was quite a schlep getting down there and back up the mountain but it was worth it! Yesterday we wondered around Guernica, the village made known to the world by Pablo Picasso's pain...

Making Tracks in Spain

On to Girona.  A beautiful old city North of Barcelona.  The Ciudad Viejo (old city) has lots of interesting sights.  Several Gothic Churches, Jewish Museum, and an extensive City wall walk. The city wall walk is quite extensive and reveals many great views of the old town and beyond, along the way. The jewish museum tells the story of the jewish community from the early mid ages 'til the expulsion of the Jews in 1492.  The museum is situated on the site of the last active Synagogue in Girona before that time.  Excavation of the site revealed a mikveh (ritual bath). On to another Medieval village, Ainsa.  A beautiful old town situated in the foot hills of the Pyrenees in Aragona. Quite a contrast to Barcelona, but equally interesting and delightful! Happy weekend! cheers, CW