
Showing posts from February, 2019

Local Quilt Show Does Good!

Well the Squirrels in my head are running as fast as they can.  This is a by- product of the last 5 days of Quilt Show production.  But the Quilt Show went really well and we did not get Rained out so I'm happy.  And now I can get back to my sewing room! Here's what I made for the Challenge Quilt.  The theme this year was "Why Quilt's?"  This was my answer in the form of a Pie Diagram. The Challenge fabrics were the 3 red fabrics and the shirting fabric in the upper left. I had a long explanation that went on the label but somehow I forgot to take a picture of it, but you get the idea. Happy Monday! Cheers, CW

The Bees have it!

I started this post last Fall but it's been sitting in "Drafts" ever since.  I thought I would post it now since I don't really have time to write much these days.  Bees are fascinating animals.  We owe about 70% of the production of all  of our food to Bee activities.  Whether it's direct pollination of crops or the pollination of plants used by other animals for food.  Here's a peak inside one of my hives: I opened my Bee hives last Fall and shifted things around a bit to get them ready for the Fall weather and harvested a little honey while I was at it.  The bees got very creative on their comb formation on this frame.  You can see the square edge of the frame and normally the comb would be built straight down but because there was space to the right they built out and made this massive honey comb thingy.  So I shaved off the stuff sticking out to the right and that is what I took away as my portion. There's a great book c...