
Showing posts from December, 2019

Some old friends

I'm taking a break from blogging but I thought I might repost some of my old vintage quilts.  always worth another look.... Crazy old Quilts Originally posted Oct.  2014 Happy New Year! cw

Holiday Gift Ideas aka A detour around my UFO Program

Thanksgiving was Great!  I hope your's was too!  Definitely a Marathon not a Sprint!  But I'm back in the sewing room and I've taken a detour around my UFO Program for the sake of some quick fun sewing for the Holidays! My daughter said she wanted some new potholders.  So I dragged her into my sewing room to pick out some fabric.  I say 'dragged'  because my sewing room is always kind of a mess and I think she thought it would be a long drawn out process to find some suitable fabric.  Despite the mess I do know where most things can be found and on the third try I found something she liked!  That was the beginning of my temporary abandonment of my UFOs. I am the go-to person in my family for potholders.  But I haven't made a bunch of potholders for everybody for some time so Naomi's request got me thinking I might as well makes some for everybody!  And since Naomi chose this cute Retro panel I thought  maybe I could save some t...