
Showing posts from April, 2022

Hospice Donations

 I have three donation ready for Hospice.   The first one is the one I posted about in my last post the other two are pictured below: This one has been sitting in my sewing room finished except for the binding for probably 20 years.  The blocks were left over from a 9 in 9 patch quilt made with '30's style repro fabrics.   The blocks were actually not Leftovers but  technically Rejects from a larger quilt I was making for my sister.  I had shown her a photo of a '30's style 9 in 9 patch quilt and she really liked it  I studied the picture carefully so's to get  the right color balance etc. and it included several red fabrics.  But when I finished all the blocks and laid them out for her approval she said she didn't like the Red !  Probably a little more conversation over the details of the original photo and I might have avoided my miscalculation.  So back I went and made 6 more blocks featuring the pastels that drew my si...