New baby quilt design and Nature photo...

Good Monday to you! It's a beautiful morning here on the Central Coast! A day to remember people and count our blessings! Besides the good weather and the Holiday not much is going on here. The usual Spring cleaning...but here and there I sneak away to my sewing room and have a little fun! This past week I've been working on a new sample for another class I will be teaching at our local Quilt Shop. A simple design for beginners using flannels for a baby quilt. I finished the top the other day and felt quite satisfied. But then viewing it the next day decided I really did not like the two dark grey side borders. So I auditioned some alternates... I'm kinda leaning toward the light tan... What say you? The fabrics are really cute but the prints are kind of small scale so from a distance they don't convey much. ...And the Nature shot! We have a family of Red Shoulder hawks in our neighborhood. I think this fellow is a juveni...