Fiddling Around

I hope you are all enjoying this Holiday Season! Holiday craziness is hard for me but I understand why people love it. That said I've still found some time for sewing so here's the latest from my sewing room: We had to make a quick trip to our family cabin. I Wanted something really easy for a sewing project so I brought a bunch of pre-cut Squares. I really like the way this one turned out. It will be around 50" x 60" after some borders. On a different note...My daughter and her husband are expecting their first child in March so I have been spending time pondering what kind of baby quilt to make. Naomi likes everything Modern and neutral so she usually doesn't like my quilts which are so often loud and asymmetrical. So I'm just going to have to punt. I bought a panel of 'Monkeys jumping on the bed' a long time ago thinking I would make a baby quilt for one of my grand kids some time or other. Naomi always loved that rhyme / chant. Here's wh...