Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blog Hop and Quick Holiday Potholders!

Another Give-Away! Yahoooo!
I am participating in the Quilt Gallery Birthday -Blog Hop Party w/ Give-Away. (link to the right)
In the last blog hop I offered the following give-away:  

I’ve been collecting fabric seriously for more than 20 years.  So here’s my give away.  TEN - Fat Quarter’s (that’s a $25-$30.00 value) selected from my stash tailored to the request of the winner!   I’ve pretty much got it all; batiks, repro’s from the 1930’s and 1800’s, all colors, kids fabrics, bugs, food, flowers, oriental, flannels, plaids, etc...  The winner can request a smorgasbord or all of one kind.  Fun for you to make a wish list, fun for me to tailor a collection just for you.

Based on the comments people seemed to like that a lot!  So I'm going to offer that again as my Grand Prize.

But since I had soooo many visitors the last time I thought I'd better add a few secondary treats for 4 runners-up. Since it is the season to be jolly ( and I have a lot of Holiday fabric...)
Give away #2- 5 fat eighths of contemporary Christmas fabric.

Give away #3 = Olivia in Xmas red and green with coordinating  fabs.  5- fat eighths

Give away #4 = Olivia Xmas stocking print, set of two.

 And for people who celebrate Hanukkah...

Give away #5 = A misc. selection of Hanukkah fabric about a yard all together.  ( If the 5th winner is not a celebrator of Hanukkah I will substitute Xmas fabric)

What do you need to do?  Leave me a comment about my blog at the end of this blog ( please, just one comment per visitor) and a way I can contact you if you are one of the lucky winners.  I will even cover over seas shipping! 

And just to make things a little more interesting I'm giving out one more gift to:  My favorite comment, Kind of like a Judges choice award.  Flattery is nice but astute observations are even more appreciated, that's how I learn. It does not have to be long just something that you've observed about my blog, this one or a previous one that you think would be helpful.  And I will make it worth your while.  A gift similar to the Grand Prize, Yup, 10 Fat Quarters of your choice.  Of course if you don't want to play this part of the game you can just leave a generic comment and you will still be entered into the regular, random drawing for the other prizes. Happy Holiday Hopping!  Cheers, CW

And now...Did I mention Quick Holiday Potholders?!

I like making potholders for holiday hostess gifts etc.  but I'm not a big fan of putting on bindings so I've developed this quick way to finish potholders.  It's really just a variation of the old quick turn method with a little refinement. 
I mostly just make scrappy tops with holiday fabric, with a border strip to frame it.  
 I pick backing fabs that kinda match but aren't holiday fabs so the backside can be used all year long if desired. Cut a backing about an 1" to 1.5" longer and the same width as the top.
Then cut the batting.  In this case all I had on hand was thin batting so I cut two layers.  One to-size and one about a 5/8" trimmed smaller so as not to have too much bulk in the edge seams.
When all the layers are cut and ready to go I cut the backing in such a way that the cut will more less correspond with one of the top's seams.  Probably easier just to look at the next picture...
With right sides together simply iron a fold in the backing to overlap with one of the seams on the front then lay the raw edge side of the backing over the folded edge.
Don't forget to put a loop in one corner if you want something to use for hanging your potholder.  I like double sided satin finish ribbon.  1/4" or 3/8"  it's pretty, strong and does not add a lot of bulk to the seam.

Lay the first layer of batting under the top, pin baste all three layers together and sew 1/4" seam all the way around the edge using a walking foot.
Trim the corners to decrease bulk. Be careful not to trim into the seams (see lower edge of photo above).  Quick turn the first half of the backing to the right side.  Work the edges of the seam and corners with your fingers to get them to lay down flat (but don't iron yet).  Take the smaller piece of batting (if you are using one for extra thickness) and work the corners into the end of the pocket.
 Quick turn the other end of the backing.  Repeat the finger work around the edges and getting the second layer of batting straightened into place.  Give the center and edges a good press and pin baste for the quilting.
I generally quilt  in the ditch with a few x's where needed. Making sure that the folded edge of the opening on the back gets sewn down when the corresponding seam on the front is quilted.  When you quilt the strip around the edge in the ditch it's not precisely a binding but it does give the potholder a more finished look.
Of course potholders travel in pairs, another reason this technique is so convenient.  I know,  they don't match.  Like I said, I mostly just use scraps, the one on top just got lucky 'cause I had some QSTs lying around to make it a little fancier.  I mostly just make the tops in between other projects when I need a quick diversion.   You can really crank these puppies out once you get the rhythm of it.  I made 5 pairs = 10 potholders this week while I was doing a bunch of other stuff in my sewing room (Which looks like a tornado hit it)!  ahhhh the Holidays!  I hope you all have Fun on the blog hop and have a wonderful Holiday season full of Joy and Light!  Cheers, Claire W.


  1. That is clever. I really like how you did that. Since I am currently hand sewing the binding on my mug rugs, I would much rather have done them like this and be finished. Thanks for the ideas. I always seem to come away from your blog knowing something new or inspired to try something.

  2. uhh first one never wins - but just have that disadvantage of being up rather early than the US .. ha generic comments, yes they are nice but not my style (I wonder how many words I can fit into the comment box - you realize that you have given me tons to comment on?) So obviously I like the fabric - if I get the chanukka bundle I would like to keep that and not get Christmas fabric. And stash raidign truly is fun.
    Are potholders usually rectangles in the US? (just my curiosity) Do I gett hat right, the other backing fabric with the batting attached gets folded in and put all the way in? so that most of it lays double, so I could technically use a smaller strip on that side (well enough the get caught in the "faux binding"-stich in the ditch? [forget that part - I figured it out - they meat in the middle and you just didn't trun the second on tot the back yet in the picture]
    Are yous using normal batting? or one of those that dont't mind great heat?

    A comment about the blog in general .. ahh hmm... if you take thos step by step pictures - can you make them so that they always use the same laout - short upper side of the potholder always up - or to the left or so - so I don't need to figure out which way my pot hodlers compares to the pictures if I make them.
    I really really really love not to have to make a binding - I abandoned sewing potholders on that conditiona and am crocheting some at the moment, but I could thinkg that decision over now.
    And are those potholders THE mystery?
    Sorry for the a bit confused comment - I'm heading of to do some STD, which is really nerve wracking (a or e?)

    [A completely unrelated question - what are good sizes of rulers to have? I have a small Christmas budget to spend on machine accessoirs - new walking foot etc. and was thinking about some rulers too]

  3. Wonderful sharing! I find it difficult to read large blocks of printing. Not that I can claim to never be guilty of the same. But it's always easier to see and critique things in others blogs. Hope that is helpful.

  4. I am new to your blog but have enjoyed browsing. I love the photo of your gingko tree. I live in the tropics so don't get to see lovely autumn colours like that!

  5. Claire - what a very nice, generous give-away! And thanks for the little tutorial on your potholders. I'm going to try that sometime.

    As for the astute observation comment? I think that you might want to reduce the size of your photographs just a tad. They are so large in appearance that they cover up all the words on the right sidebar. Maybe it's just my computer screen, but I know when I increase my photos to anything more than the medium setting, they skew things up, too.

    Happy Holidays for you!
    Barb at haileybarb at cox dot net

  6. Looked through your blog. You don't post much but what is posted about is generally interesting, informative and helpful. You seem to be a generous person who enjoys sharing of herself.

    Am a new follower

  7. What great giveaways! Your pot holder tutorial is wonderful and very easy to understand, thanks for sharing! It took me a minute to figure out why the back fabric was bigger.

  8. How generous and what a lovely tutorial. I need to make some more potholders myself.

    I would love to add some batiks to my small stash...that is one thing I don't have any of! A rainbow of batiks would be beautiful! Thank you for a chance to win.

  9. Wow, this is incredible! The question that jumps to mind is, how does someone who's been collecting for 20 years organize her stash? I am in a building phase so my request would be for tone on tone prints In a range of colors.

  10. Thanks for the great giveaway! I hope I am the lucky winner :D

  11. Thanks for the great way to make potholders! I'm making a bunch of potholders this year for Christmas, and may have to try this out! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  12. Okay, truthfully, I was not going to enter this giveaway. If I won, I would have no clue what to ask for. Then I saw your tutorial for the potholders. I love those potholders! I might need to make some.

    Then I went back to see what I would have to do to enter...seeing as how I was going to comment. You wanted a comment about your blog. Then I went to look at the rest of your blog. I must say....

    I LOVE IT! You have some great ideas. So, now off to find the follow button.

  13. I couldn't find a way to view older posts, or I would have. From this post, I like that you use photos. The words on the right, however, are overlapped with the photos and hard to read.

    1. Claire.. The blog archive is where the old post are ... and also the words "Older Posts" is at the bottom of each page.

  14. I am a batik fan, so anything batik I would love. I also absolutely LOVE the pot holders. Thanks for a wonderful giveaway.

  15. The Olivia Xmas fabric and stockings are SO cute!

  16. I like your medalian quilts post from October of this year - I love to think about all of the possibilities within one basic layout concept! Thank you for this very generous giveaway!!

  17. 1st time visitor but have added you to My Favorites list. The conversational way you write is inviting. So, I'll return often.

  18. What a nice giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win, multiple times. :)

    I've looked through a bit of your blog and I like how you mix show and tell with tutorials and the occasional photo of other stuff, like the ghinko tree.

  19. It looks like you have a wonderful stash! Being new to your blog, one thing I like to see is a button or a link of some kind that takes me to a page with all of your finished projects. I love being able to see them all in one place so I can get a quick idea of what your style is like!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  20. What a generous giveaway!
    This is my first visit here but I've had a look round! I see you have a longarm machine (I wish I had one!) so you obviously do a lot of quilting but I'm not sure whether you quilt for others?? I see you are an avid gardener so I look forward to seeing your garden , I'm a keen gardener too!

  21. sounds like a fab giveaway! I struggle to read blocks of text in capitals. I don't know if it's just me, or others too... Also, it might just be my screen, your right hand sidebar is overlapping your actual posts...

  22. This is a very generous giveaway and I love that you are doing several prizes. You have shown some AMAZING fabrics and my fingers are crossed to be a lucky lady! Just been over to your website and I love your Bar quilts. You are very talented!

  23. I love that chilli fabric, it's so cute. thanks for a great giveaway, I like your tutorials for nice easy stuff :)

  24. What a cute and easy way to make a pot holder...gonna have to steal that one!

  25. I am new to your blog. I love it. Your quilts are gorgeous! Whenever I read blogs, I love large detailed pictures to understand what the crafter did. I find that photographing under lots of natural indirect light really shows of the work the best. (Your pictures taken outside are a lot more clearer than the pictures taken inside). I look forward to reading more of your blog! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

  26. I make the effort this afternoon
    to leave a comment that will make you swoon
    a poem, a rhyme, a bit of prose
    I hope may leave a sweet scent in your nose.

    Might I admit, if it is okay
    that blog hopping tends to eat up my day
    I come across so many wonderful stops
    from page to page I seek and bops

    And under the "C"s did I land here -
    a pot holder tutorial from a quilting peer
    And before my brain stretches any more
    I'll end this poem and head for the door :)

  27. I looked through your posts and your work is beautiful! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  28. What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance and thanks for the tutorial!

  29. I really enjoy visiting your blog. You are so much fun and always come up with simple projects. You enjoy quilting and it shows, which is a very good thing. Just keep coming up with these simple, quick ideas to share with all of your followers. You are a very kind-hearted quilter as well as generous with your giveways. You never know what to except from you; also a good thing. Thank you for giving all of us a chance to win. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.

    Sandi T.
    Sonora, CA

  30. This is a very nice giveaway. I love the picture of your gingko tree. I would love to have one in my yard!

  31. Oh I love your giveaway, never can have enough Christmas Fabric! Love having tutorials on a blog, and your hot pads one is amazing. jbechosend at sbcglobal dot net

  32. G'Day from an American in Australia! Lovely and generous giveaway!

    Thank you for sharing the pot holder tutorial. The photos with it are very helpful.

    I did notice that some of your images are overflowing from the content wrapper into another container. It can be tricky to adjust this in the Blogger CSS. Blogger Support should offer some help with this, or perhaps do a google search for the necessary tweak.

    pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com

  33. Awesome twist on the giveaway, great idea. Love the potholders, looks really simple and easy. win win.

  34. I like how you make the potholders. I've tried to make them with binding and it can get too bulky. My favorite color is green. But now I am collection reds and aquas for a quilt I hope to start soon. Thanks for having a great giveaway.
    paweis at

  35. I have made potholders, but I like your technique of cutting the back in half and sewing it on so that you can turn it right side out. I have never thought of that, but now I want to try it. Love learning something new.

  36. Thank you for the potholder tute. I never seem to make small projects, I think it's time I started!

  37. I enjoyed reading through your blog and love that you share your ideas. I also like that you show the process you go throught as you are making your projects. The scrap projects are my favorite. (The colors in the Grandmother;s Flower Garden ARE spectacular.)

    The binding idea on the potholder is brilliant.

  38. Gorgeous fabrics. Thanks for the opportunity on a great prize and have a very Merry Christmas. I love tutorials and lots of picture on a blog, but I would like to see the side list - ie blog archive, blog list,etc. on their own - right now they sort of cover up part of the pictures of the blog.

  39. I would love it if your tutorials could be printed or saved as a pdf. Sure makes it easier!
    I would love a grouping of 30's fats as am starting a new project with them in January. Thanks!

  40. I've just read your instructions for the potholders. Thanks for making these instructions so clear. I like that you can fit these in while sewing up other things. It's given me hope that I might be able to get a few done before Christmas.

  41. Wow this is the best giveaway i have seen in a while. I look forward to receiving your email. You make it so friendly that it is like visiting with a friend

  42. Thank you so much for having a tutorial with your giveaway. Makes it all the more interesting for me.

  43. You've got a great blog - easy, as you're super creative!!

  44. I really love how you use your scraps to make quilts. I admire the way you groups them by similar shapes. You're an inspiration! :) Thanks for such an awesome giveaway! Happy Holidays to You! :)

  45. Hi Claire,
    What a great little potholder set- I wish I would have read about it sooner and I might have made a few more for gifts. The time is ticking by too soon.
    What a great stash of fabric you must have- You love fabric like I do.
    I don't know which of the prizes I like more- the runner up prizes are great. I love the Olivia fabrics and the Christmas collections- so many wonderful choices. Your winners are going to be very happy. Thanks for participating in the blog hop.
    I have added you to my blog list so I can continue to follow your blog. You make some great projects- thanks for sharing.
    Regards from Western Canada,

  46. Hi Claire, that is a very generous give away! I like how you did the tutorial, perhaps a heading of that section would help make it clear and easy to find if someone was looking for the pattern and have the photos the same size. Also if you post your photos in smaller format you can still read the side bar :) hope that was helpful!

  47. Your post cracks me up Claire! And some of the comments do too!! PLease do not enter me- I've got plenty of, See you next week!

  48. First of all thank you for the great givaway!
    I'm always looking for more tutorials to learn from (loved the potholders and would love to see more..
    Have to say that I have tried to look at the archive but the images are overlapping it so it is a little hidden- I'm sure its a technical issue but just wanted to mention it, and thats it- love your blog and thanks again for sharing your knowledge- I don't have a blog myself so I appreciate any effort of someone to own and invest his/her time in one... :)

  49. Merry Christmas & Happy Hanukkah!

  50. Thanks for the lovely giveaway and nice potholders. A girl can never have enough I think. Well me especially as I like to burn them

  51. That's a clever way to make a potholder, thank you for the tutorial. :-)
    Thanks for offering such a generous giveaway!

  52. Thank you so much for such a very generous giveaway. I like to make potholders, too, but I have never tried to make them like you do. This seems much better than trying to bind them so thank you for sharing.

  53. What great giveaway items! I love what you have already done. I thought the polkadot center pieces were very interesting. I also liked how you use pink and green or purple and green on your quilts. I agree, when you said that pink and green always works together. However your purple and green works where a lot of quilts I've seen in purple and green do not work so nicely. Lovely work. Thanks again for the chance to win.

  54. Holiday Greetings, Claire! I'd love to win your give-away. Or any of the runner up prizes, for that matter! You can reach me at abaird125(at)gmail(dot)com. The potholders are super. I might even be able to squeeze in this as a last-minute project. Love your blog, but I do agree with some of the other commenters that you need to post your photos in a smaller format, as they obscure some of the text as they are now. Also, I have just recently learned that if the photos are too large, you will soon get a message that to continue to use Blogger's Picasa you will have to pay, as you have exceeded their limit. To prevent that from happening, here's what to do:
    1. put the image on your desktop. click on Tools.
    2. click on Adjust Size. Whatever the size is, divide it in half. A recent photo of mine was 180, so I resized it to 90.
    3. Too, when you are putting your images on your blog, select small or medium.

    Hope this makes sense. Email me if you need more suggestions.

  55. Thanks for being in this fun blog hop. I like how you detail your tutorials with great pictures this makes it so much easier to understand.

  56. Wonderful qiveaway! I love to shop my stash... especially at Christmas the vintage fabrics really call my name.

  57. TY for showing me a quick way to make potholders!
    I think how you incoroporated a tiny bit of fabric into a quilt is brilliant! And thank you for showing me how. I'm new to quilting, I wouldn't have figured it out. I'm looking forward to making those blocks and I won't despair or toss some of my small pieces I love and don't know what to do with them. Have a merry Christmas!

  58. Fabulous giveaway! I did that kind of backing on a round ornament the other day that I didn't want to hand sew closed on the curved edge. Worked great! I'm with you about hating to bind small stuff, especially small stuff that comes in sets!

  59. You had me at 1930s repro! :)
    As a new visitor to your blog I have to say it is time consuming looking through old posts - it would make it easier and more user friendly if you created some pages (which make tabs at the top under your header) so people can see projects you've finished, one for tutorials and maybe one for what you're working on. There are lots of possibilities but when I'm new to a blog seeing finished projects easily always gives me an idea of their style and can be so inspirational!

  60. Yes this is some gorgeous Christmas and Hannuka fabrics for the giveaway. I would choose christmasy stuff. I jus tlove Christas fabrics. You have got quiet the stash I bet if you hav ebeen collecting fabrics for that long. Ilove fabric..Nothing like a daily dose of eye candy to look at and touch and create with.

  61. Thanks for the chance! Great giveaway! And thank you for the potholder tutorial. Nice n clear!

  62. I would add a header photo or art to your blog and some design to the sidebars. Show a little more of your personality in your blog page design. Thanks for the great giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  63. 20 years of fabric still my heart! Thank you for the giveaway and the potholder tut.

  64. You can never have too much fabric (but you know that since you are a long time collector!

  65. Love the potholders!! And, no, I don't want to win any fabric!!! I'd love to give you some more!

  66. Thanks for running this great giveaway! I am really impressed with all the crafters in the blogosphere who open their "digital workshops" to everyone through these contests. I'm experiencing and learning so much! audiodropzone(at)gmail(dot)com

  67. I think you have a wonderful blog. I think it is quite refreshing to see a blog that isn't overrun by sponsors and advertisements. One that is just you showing your wonderful quilting. You do very nice work by the way. I'm sure I could learn quite a bit from following, and so I shall click the follow button :)

  68. Zowie! What a fabulous give-away! I also love quirky old quilts. In fact, I am a quirky old quilt!

  69. Thank you for offering Hanukkah fabric! I have been on dozens of sites and to several stores and the Hanukkah fabric is very limited. My husband and I celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas, which is why we are careful about including everyone in the holiday season. I am happy to see that you include everyone, too!

  70. What a lovely giveaway - I'm new-ish to quilting (18 mos) and am working on a fabric stash like that!

  71. Potholders were my very first quilting project. It was a great way to try different blocks and made great gifts! Thanks for the chance. Fun to imagine what I would ask for!

  72. I browsed your blog a bit. Love the photos.
    Love the tutorial for the potholders. I especially like the
    way you did the back.
    Thanks for sharing.

  73. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I am new to your blog but have enjoyed browsing and will continue to do so!

  74. love that pepper fabric thanks for the giveaway

  75. Thank you for the tutorial! I love tutos because I can learn so much from them. I also like your quilts. Perhaps it would be great to have a gadget in the sidebar where we can look at all your lovelies? (But don't ask me how to set it up, so sorry, I have no clue, just saw this on other blogs,lol!)
    Thanks so much for the great give away!

  76. Claire, I am not an experienced quilter, I'm not new to quilting, I'm just beginning to think about quilting! I've sewed for 40 years and have smocked and embroidered as well, but quilting has seemed overwhelming to me. I just finished reading all the blog posts that you have listed on the sidebar of the blog, and you have made me think maybe I really can do this! What has inspired me the most is the way you've used what you have, successfully made surprising fabric combinations, and helped me to think outside the box, or should I say, the block. I appreciate the straightforward ways you explain the steps involved, as if you were just talking to a friend. Your quilts are lovely, so different, and it has been so much fun to scroll through the posts. Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise with your readers!

  77. thank you for this great chance. hugs Alessandra

  78. I love your ginkgo tree! It reminds me of my Mom, and I covet he ginkgo fabrics. If I win (and you do not have a stash of ginkgo - and why should you? She was MY Mom, after all), please sign me up for plaids! Thanks for the giveaway!
    Anne, a new follower

  79. I absolutely love your potholder tutorial. I always have trouble with binding small things. I think this method will be great the next time I make coasters. I think it might happen next week.

  80. May your fabric stash always overflow! What a blessing to so many with your giveaway! And I really like your method of pot-holders!

    sowingstitches [at] gmail [dot] com

  81. Love the idea of such a generous give away custom made to me!! I can't wait to win. Really enjoyed reading your Scrap Strategy #2 piece from August 2012. I need to get a handle on all my scraps.

  82. Here's some insight....we should be worried about the future of some sewing and quilting. The older ladies are dying off, and not enough young people are picking up this wonderful hobby of ours....they prefer all the technology stuff! We should ALL teach a young person to sew/quilt to ensure its future! thanks for the chance to win!!

  83. Thank you for this wonderful giveaway..the only thing I would mention about your blog post is the tiny print in the large paragraph. I find it very hard to read; age you
    The tip on the pot holders was great.

  84. I enjoy your blog and don't seem to have problems with the photos overlapping the writing. I like the close up shots of what you work on so I can see the details...even how you pin can be a help to me. Thanks much for the chance at your wonderful giveaway.

  85. Awesome giveaways! Thanks for the tutorial, too. Thanks for the chance.

  86. Wonderful giveaway Claire! And very generous as well! It would be like Christmas to win!

    A few quick observations of your blog.. and I am in no way a blogging guru...

    1. Italics are hard to read

    2. A large block of ALL CAPS is very hard on the eyes... We all use a few all caps interspersed here and there but using them in such a large block might cause some to overlook the text.

    3. When you post text with photos, using your space bar to seperate the text from the photo on the top as well as the bottom helps your readers to read the text better. It isn't so jumbled together.

    4. Photos should not be so big as to overlap your sidebars.

    5. One of the gadgets available to bloggers is the "Translate" button. This will get you more traffic because your international audience will be able to read your blog.

    I LOVE your Paris feel quilt! That rocks girlfriend!!

  87. One thing that makes blogs a bit easier to navigate is to have a "table of contents" of sorts - tabs where one can choose tutorials, or finishes, or photos, etc.
    That being said, I love your directions for the potholders and using the chili peper fabric for them! If that is an example I am sure your blog will be visited frequently!

  88. Thanks for sharing your technique! That makes so much more sense than trying to apply binding on such a small item. Thanks for participating in the blog hop party!

  89. Great tutorial and a generous giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

    ktreve (at) hotmail (dot) com

  90. I likw how clean and easy to read your blog is!

  91. Most generous giveaway. Thanks.

  92. Ummmmm..... I just want to roll around in your fabric collection- it looks AMAZING! I have been wanting to do some patchwork potholders as mine are rather grotty after a lot of use- and a quick tutorial is right up my alley! (I might even give the first pair away as a gift and make a set for myself over Christmas). Thanks for the lovely giveaway! ps. I would love to see more of your fabric collection and the projects that come from it!

  93. Oh wow, how generous of you.

    I have nothing pithy to say, it's 11:27 pm here and someone turned out all the lights.

    I will say though that wow, Olivia Christmas fabric???? I have to find some of that (if I'm not one of the lucky ones!). My daughter (now 12) has loved Olivia all her life and has on her bed an Olivia quilt I made (in reds and blacks). I didn't know there was Christmas fabric!

    See I learned something today, isn't that great?

  94. I think I could learn a lot from your blog. You have obviously learned a lot from past experience in both blog-hops and giving user-friendly instructions. I have been asked to teach some kind of patchwork in January ... a one-hour class... and was wondering if a potholder or mug-rug would be possible. We won't have a machine but I'll bet if I keep the pattern simple and cut and mark the pieces, something like that might be possible. Thanks

  95. I see that you like the same type quilts that I do! That always gets my attention on if I join a blogger or not (by the way, I'm a new follower!).
    hulseybg at gmail dot com

  96. Claire, maybe I am nuts, but I can't find my comment! I definitely want to win one of your give-aways. (You and I have emailed, so I KNOW it was once here!) Anyway, kinda glad it disappeared because I have a new "comment", inspired by Carole M, a little poem about YOU!

    Just who IS this quilter named Claire?
    Well, read this as you pull up a chair.
    She teaches, she quilts, she’s a mother and wife.
    Like many of us, she has a full life.

    I’ve checked through the posts she’s put on her blog
    And wow does she ever do a good job
    Of showing us quilters a thing or two
    About just what in the world we should do
    With all of these scraps that form a huge heap!

    My favorite post’s called Scrap Strategy Two
    Where she carefully shows us just what to do
    To turn all of these scraps that drive us all crazy
    Into a fun quilt that shows we’re not lazy.

    Fun potholders here on this post can be seen—
    Make one for a friend—she’ll call you Quilt Queen!

  97. Love the potholders -- great gift idea!

  98. What a generous giveaway! And I was looking over your blog and loved the idea of separating into styles of fabric as well as color. That would make it so much easier than trying to dig through all my scraps trying to find a few pieces of the same style. Also, I love the amount of pictures you post for the process. A lot of people post only the starting and finishing pictures, with none of the steps in between.
    Thanks for a great giveaway.

  99. This is a fantastic give-away! First time to visit your blogg, I can´t really tell you what´s good and what´s not :)
    Gun, Sweden

  100. I love Christmas fabrics, love to sew Christmas projects, love to put everything out at Christmas, and absolutely hate taking it down when Christmas is over.
    Thanks for the potholder lesson!

  101. I love your twists on the giveaway!
    Have you considered adding tags to your posts, or tabs at the top, or some other means of categorizing? I prefer to browse a blog by topic rather than chronologically. On some older blogs, that calendar list is daunting and I feel like I'll never catch up!

  102. A very generous gift.
    Love your pattern for potholders.
    I am now following your blog.
    Hope you will visit my.
    grandmawillcox at zoominternet dot net

  103. Everything looks wonderful and you are being very generous.

    The thing that I noticed about your blog, and what got me following was all the wonderful medallions quilts. I really do not like following a pattern (mainly because I don't follow directions well) and I noticed with the medallions I could just make them up as I go. I have one nearly completed and hope to post about that one soon.

    You have been a wonderful inspiration to me, just wish you had time to post more.
    blessings, jill

  104. What nice give aways! Thank you for offering/

  105. I love the potholder idea. I am teaching my sixth graders to sew. We have made pillowcases with a band, sock owls, and sock snowmen. Was thinking pieced placemats after the holidays but I might try this. I have such a good group of kids-23 of them and we are having a good time with the sewing. They love it and the older kids in the middle school are jealous of their projects. Very good for their self esteem.

  106. I have really enjoyed looking through your old posts. Your posts include just the right amount of information to make them really interesting and great photos to really inspire me.
    I would love to read more about products that you use that you think are great or have had no luck with.
    Looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  107. Great give away. I think this is my first visit to your blog but not sure (blog land is very busy and its easy to get a little confused) I love the writing style and lots of photos. On a couple of posts your big photos have writing over them from the right hand bar which can be a bit annoying especially if you really want to see that bit of the photo. I also like that you do other things on your blog - embroidery, photo of tree in fall colour.

    I really enjoyed my visit and added you to my reading list.

  108. I liked the tutorial for the hot pads. A friend of mine and I were making owl hotpads and now we are looking for the next ones to make. We had such fun making them. I looked at your long arm quilting quilts and they turned out so well. I am a new long armer and want to learn more so will be checking out your future posts.

  109. That is a great giveaway and a pretty awesome tutorial. I love potholders and you just can never have to many. I bake cakes and cookies (decorated) so I can go through 10 - 15 pot holders in a baking session. I seem to always get them dirty!
    lisamcgriff (at) hotmail (dot) com

  110. thank you for the chance to win.lovely tutorials!

  111. I would chose batiks! The brighter the better!

  112. Wow! What great prizes. I liked what you did with the orphan blocks. I should get members of my guild to bring in their orphan blocks and sash them together for another charity quilt. I am going to suggest that tomorrow at our meeting.

    have a great day!

  113. Great tutorial !
    Love the fabrics !
    Thanks for the chance !!!
    Merry Christmas !!!

  114. You're so generous! I think part of the fun of giveaways, for me, is finding new blogs. The first step for me is finding out who replies to comments (I know. you get a ton!) But I appreciate the time to say thanks for commenting, and I almost always follow those. Other people, what they say in their post is catchy. I like that you shared about potholders, so I will look on your blog more. Maybe you will have a new follower :)

  115. Those are very cute potholders! I've never used the old sew and turn method for anything other than comforters, but why not have a go with some potholders, right?

    When I read that you've been collecting fabric for 20+ years, my first thought was, "I'm in the presence of greatness", and then I realized that I've been doing the very same thing! Seriously, do I really NEED any more fabric? Not really, but I just love it so much. I get great pleasure out of the shopping, and then I'm able to hold it and admire it, and daydream. It's all good.

    Thank you for the fabulous giveaway! You are very generous.

  116. What a generous giveaway! I like not matching potholders, they are more interesting, matching things are a bit boring. About your blog, I would maybe put a more appealing header... with a picture or something, what do you think? 6therwise is great!
    saruqa at gmail dot com

  117. This is a wonderfully generous giveaway! I enjoyed reading your potholder tutorial; it is always fun to find an easier method for making something! I love batiks. Happy holidays!

  118. I like making pot holders too but hadn't thought about using the backside as a "second choice"... I'm going to consider that more from now on... thanks :)

  119. thanks for the pot holder tutorial, and I love the Hanukkah fabric.. we celebrate Christmas, but our daughters family celebrate Hanukkah and I would love to make her something nice

  120. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the tutorial. I am an new follower. Glad I found you! Thanks for the chance
    to win!


  121. I wonder about regular batting being "enough" for potholders.... do they really protect your hands from 500 degree hot pizza stones? Is there some sort of special insulation batting they make for this sort of thing? I've stayed away from making potholders, for that reason.

  122. I love your chili pepper backing. I bought a couple yards of it and made my brother a pillowcase as a teasing reminder of the chili pepper lights he had hung in his bedroom during high school. My mom loved the fabric so much that I used the remainder of it to make her a set of cloth napkins. LOL

    What a fun giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win and Merry Christmas!

  123. I'm a new follower :) I randomly picked a few posts and went back to get to know you a little. (Randomly picked a September post on 4 patches). I LOVE that you offer tutorials (thanks for the pot holder one, I'm doing a few kitchen baskets, and these will be awesome additions!), and that you don't post like a mad woman. I feel guilty when I follow someone and can't read 1/10th of what they post!

    I hope you are enjoying the blog hop as much as I am! Thank you again! I look forward to visiting with you.

  124. Great tutorial! I've always avoided potholders because I didn't want to have to do little bindings but you fixed that for me! Watch out scrap I come! (By the way, I'd dearly love to leave a clever comment but I just had surgery yesterday to remove a kidney stone the size of a marble so my clever is out of order! lol)

  125. Thank you for your ideas for potholders. I am going to make some as soon as I finish the luggage tags (themed in my grandchildrens interest). Everyone loves new potholders. I am a scrappy quilter too.

  126. Love love love your pot holders. Thanks.

  127. I can't understand why you don't have more comments here. I love the thought of winning some fabrics to build up my stash. I like that way to finish the pot holder. Binding is a bit of a pain sometimes. I checked out some of your past posts and I just love the birdie block from Oct 11. I am a bit of an applique freak. I have been visiting lots and lots of blogs lately and so many have the widget "You might also like" at the bottom of the post and may have some links to special projects or the like in their side bar. I missed these little surfing aids on your blog. Great give away. Very generous.

  128. I love that the pot holders look like they have a binding. That would work for the mug rugs also. Thank you since I am showing my granddaughter how to make mug rugs and this will be much easier for her. Thanks for the giveaway.

  129. I am one that is up for a challenge. I want to win the choice award so here goes.

    Looking back though your post I saw you have a long arm (I think that's what I saw but that is not what peaked my interest the most) On of your blog posts talked of orphan blocks. I love love love putting to use some ones orphans.

    I recently got a bag of random material from a quilt meeting one thing I found in it was a half completed set of blocks and then material that matched. I was able to figure out what the construction of the blocks were and finishing all of the originals I realized I had enough for a twin size quilt which I hope to finish by Christmas for my little girl.

    Any way looking at your posts you have a lot of fun and useful projects. You have a small but loyal following and that is the type of blog I love to read. I also am new to quilting just a year now (and a guy) I got into quilting when my 4th child was born and I had no one to make her a quilt and my pregnant wife told me if I wanted a quilt make it my self. So that I did 52 quilts later and now i am going to make many more exciting things this next year.

  130. I loved how you showed with pictures how to make your potholders. It's much easier to grasp a new idea with loads of pictures, and I really like that about this blog. thanks for an awesome giveaway.

  131. Thank you for your tutorial on potholders. I'm still a beginning sewer and mostly stalk sewing and quilting blogs - but even I think I could make these LOL. Thanks for the chance to win

  132. Thank you for such a fun giveaway. Now, I am fairly new at sewing as I started just this year so what I really appreciated was your tutorial with lots of pictures. I look at different blogs for help and ideas and it is great for me to have projects that are quick for presents like the potholders. Being new I don't feel too daunted by these kind of projects. I am not superwoman with a machine I am human and need to know that other people are too.

  133. You are very generous in your giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win. What I 1st noticed about your blog is that there isn't anything visual in your header, something to show your readers about your personality, like some of your projects or something else you love. It is the 1st thing your readers would see and would possbily entice them to check out more of your blog.

  134. You are the most beautiful blogger I have ever seen! Well, that might be true but when I tried to find a picture of you, alas, I could not find one! Though I did find your post about orphan blocks. I have a drawer full of orphan blocks or orphan pieced pieces. I hope to come with an idea one of these days! Surely, Claire Witherspoon - you are a talented lady!

  135. Such a nice giveaway your offering - I can see you are a true fabric lover to have been collecting for so many years.. I also have a love affair with it.. Wanted to say how I really like your blog and have signed up to be a new follower. I like the way you present your tutorials - easy to understand and follow - good pictures for those of us that need visual stimulation to make the brain connect.. Your project are simple - useful and fun to do.
    Thanks for taking the time to share with us all.
    May you have the best Christmas ever.

  136. Thanks for the no binding potholder tutorial - it's a keeper. And thanks for the chance at a very generous giveaway. I too am an avid quilter, mother, wife, gardener and teacher. But I'm lucky enough to be retired so I get to do alot more of the fun stuff. I read through some of you blog posts. You have some very unique quilting going on & some unusual color combinations that I like. I'm going to become a follower so I can see more. Merry Christmas!

  137. I love surprises, so if I were lucky enough to win some of your yummy fabric, I would want u to go Enee menee, mynee, mo!

  138. Your prize is generous. Thanks for the giveaway.

    And for a critique - I'm a visual person. I'd like to see a picture of you or at least a picture of your hands while you post your step by step directions. Show us a little of your Vana.

  139. Buen día Claire.Soy nueva en su blog y soy nueva seguidora .
    Si en su barra lateral tuviera un puesto para Tutoriales ,Entradas mas comentadas, etc ,la conoceríamos mas rápido.
    Aunque no se si mas rápido es mejor .
    Me encantaron sus bloque huérfanos.
    Gracias por su generoso regalo.Cariños.

  140. I love the tutorial that you added for the potholders. I see that you also use the Machine Quilting. I would show more pictures and explain how you do that, and what patterns you use to do the quilting and how you decide, and what kind of material and thread you use. Your quilts are really pretty, but I love to see tutorials, or even pictures that show your progress even if you don't write a tutorial for it. What kind of thread you prefer while your are quilting. Any tips? Do you love to do it or prefer it over other methods? Those are the only things I could think of to suggest. You did an awesome tutorial for the potholder, I know you could do it for a quilt. I'm especially interested in the Long Arm, because 1)never done it 2)don't know much about it 3)love to know the process of other quilters. I just started quilting, so I love to learn things. You are obviously a great quilter and make really pretty quilts.

    Awesome giveaway! Thanks for being so generous!!

  141. WoW! I loved hearing all about your stash! Sounds like you have some of everything. How do you keep it all organized? Or is it, hehe. Do you find your likes change or you just love all the different fabrics? Thanks for the great tutorial! Great photos.

    Thank you for an awesome and generous giveaway and a chance to win. You have grabbed my interest and I'm now a follower.



Still here, still Sewin'

I'm still away from home but my trusty travel machine is keeping me busy.  I found some pins to help sew those rows of of 4" hexies...