Monday, February 10, 2020

More Dolls and Historical Ruminations

My mother had a good friend, Ann Beallah,  who was a professional costume maker.  I guess as a result of her costume sewing she got into doll making.   When she heard that my family had an ancestor that had signed the Declaration Of Independence she was so intrigued she made these (more less) historical representations.  Meet Mr. and Mrs. John Witherspoon.  John Witherspoon was a Presbyterian Minister and scholar who immigrated from Scotland to the colonies to head the newly formed Princeton University.
If you are familiar with the Hamilton biography that might ring a bell because John Witherspoon (rightly or wrongly) turned Hamilton down in his application to be a student at Princeton.
Hamilton went off to New York to go to University and some Historians think that situation suited Hamilton better.  
The Tartan of his vest is the Witherspoon Tartan.  The Witherspoons were actually lowlanders so I don't really know how that worked?!
Whatever the case they are a sweet and thoughtful couple of dolls!
Have a great week! CW


  1. Wow Claire, you have quite the pedigree! Cute dolls, and so expressive!

    1. Well, to be totally "transparent" the connection is distant. I am a direct descendant of John's brother David so that would make him something like my 7x great Uncle. but I suppose it still qualifies me to apply for the DAR?! LOL

  2. What a fabulous family artifact!! Awesome friend your mom has!

  3. Thanks! Yes Ann was a very talented lady.

  4. What a wonderful history your family has! Thanks for sharing these little gems.

    1. Thanks! I feel very fortunate to have had a lot of people in my family who were interested in studying our family history and we can trace it back a long ways!

  5. You have deep roots in the country! How wonderful that she made you dolls to honor your heritage. These dolls are great.
