
Showing posts from June, 2012

Batik Scrap Series

I organize my scraps primarily by color and / or genre' of fabric.  I have a rather diverse basket of batik fabric scraps because I have bought a variety of scrap bags off the internet.  This particular basket of scraps has given birth to a whole line of projects in recent years that have been a lot of fun to make and easy to construct.  I have a whole set of srategies to assemble said scraps which are similar to "mile a minute" scrap sewing tho' I have developed a lot of side strategies to expand that quick technique leading to more variety in sets and appearance.  I just recently finished a 3rd quilt top in this series of quilts.  They say your suppose to work in series, right?! Here they are in order of completion: Batik Scraps# 1- 2010 Sorry that one is out of focus , but I don't have the quilt anymore to take a better snap. Batik Scraps #2- 2011 Batik Scraps #3- 2012 I tend to quilt the scrapy parts very simply and the open areas with...

Quirky Quilt #1

I did not start out that morning heading for the ‘Sister’s’ show thinking I would buy a vintage top that day…but that quirky ‘50’s fabric just called to me as I walked by.   What can I say, I was born in the ‘50’s.   But I think what I like most about the top is the fact that the piecer was really “making  do".  The design is nominally ‘A Trip around The World’. But, I love the way the piecer  appears to have really tried to keep the design as symmetrical as possible with in the confines of her scrap basket. In the center, there were not enough of any one fabric to go all the way ‘around the world’ but the piecer matched colors and textures so you still see the pattern.  Even the dancing Indian patches were scarce, but they were placed in the 4 corners of the central section to keep up the symmetry! left side right side     Even from side to side and top to bottom It appears an effort was made to keep the...

Leftovers: A Great Quick Quilt Technique

I hardly ever make a quilt that I don't end up with some leftovers.  Booboos, over cutting, blocks or units for blocks where the colors just did not work, you name it, I've probably made that mistake.  But mistakes can be opportunities, right?!  So when I'm finished with a quilt I take those booboos and put them in a baggy or basket (depending on how many booboos I made) to keep them together for a rainy day.  The 'Quick Quilt' angle is that if you can figure out what to do with those extra units you already have some of the quilt sewn when you start!  Of course truth to tell I spend a lot of time puzzling over those extra pieces, but I think that's half the fun. There's a gal in my quilt guild ( ) who runs a charitable group that makes lap quilts for wheel chair bound veterans.  The size requested is 36" x 48".  This is a great size for 'leftovers' projects that have a modest amount of leftovers.  I've made 3 quilts ju...