
Showing posts from August, 2012

Still Blog Hopping...And Now For Scrap Strategy # 2

It's Still Blog Give-away Time! Yeah! I am participating in the  Quilt Gallery-Blog Hop Party w/ Give-Away . (link to the right)   But what to give-away?  I’ve been collecting fabric seriously for more than 20 years.   So here’s my give away.    TEN  -  Fat Quarter’s  (that’s a $25-$30.00 value) selected from my stash tailored to the request of the winner!   I’ve pretty much got it all; batiks, repro’s from the 1930’s and 1800’s, all colors, kids fabrics, bugs, food, flowers, oriental, flannels, plaids, etc...  The winner can request a smorgasborg or all of one kind.  Fun for you to make a wish list, fun for me to tailor a collection just for you. What do you need to do?    Leave me a comment at the end of this blog ( please, just one comment per visitor) and a way I can contact you if you are the lucky winner.   I will even cover over seas shipping!  ...

Blog Hop and Going Primitive...

Give-away! Yeah! I am participating in the Quilt Gallery-Blog Hop Party w/ Give-Away .  (link to the right)    But what to give-away?   I’ve been collecting fabric seriously for more than 20 years.   So here’s my give away.   TEN  -  Fat Quarter’s (that’s a $25-$30.00 value) selected from my stash tailored to the request of the winner!    I’ve pretty much got it all; batiks, repro’s from the 1930’s and 1800’s, all colors, kids fabrics, bugs, food, flowers, oriental, flannels, plaids, etc...   The winner can request a smorgasborg or all of one kind.   Fun for you to make a wish list, fun for me to tailor a collection just for you. What do you need to do?   Leave me a comment at the end of this blog ( please, just one comment per visitor) and a way I can contact you if you are the lucky winner.   I will even cover over seas shipping!   I will draw a name at the end of the blog- hop at midnight, ...

Thanks to Randy for the Retail Therapy!

Since I could not make it to the Sister's show this year I gave my good friend Randy some money to purchase some vintage quilts at our favorite antique quilt vendor.  I think of it as long distance 'retail therapy'!  Last week Randy and I got together and she brought me my quilts!   They are both just wonderful!  Great designs (kinda different),  great colors, really nicely quilted and good prices!  I could not be happier if I had purchase these quilts myself! This is really a different kind of appliqued flower with scrappy background fabrics. And the combo of the green, white and yellow surrounding the flowers gives this Grandma's flower garden a really cheerful and different look. Look at the little girls playing with hoops.  What a great print and applique! What great 30's prints and you can really see how the yellow/ white/ green makes a great combo! See the wonderful quilting; really fine stitching and really clos...

Scrap Strategy #1 - Sorting Scraps

Nothing spells retail therapy for me like a brand new bag of scraps!   Call me crazy but I actually buy scraps by-the-pound off the inter net.   I like the diversity!   And there is nothing more fun than sorting a new bag of scraps.   It’s like Christmas morning for grown-ups!   Once the scrap bag is opened and decompresses you can see the bounty.   All sorts of fabric treasures await my discovery!  Generally I dump the scraps on the floor and start by smoothing the strips and patches out and placing them into piles according to style and/ or color.   This particular scrap bag had an abundance of batiks.   Nice generous strips ranging from 1” to about 5” wide.    Then I get out my fabric baskets and put the scraps in their new homes.    This bag went into the following categories.   1 st row                               ...

Amish Leftovers-part two

This is the quilt that generated most of the leftover units for my previous blog. I called it "Geisha Surrounded".  I know, I couldn't help myself. You can just see the geisha with her fan peeking from the edge of the  circle.   I won the border blocks in a block of the month drawing at my guild. Of course a certain amount of variation is expected in any block swap but since these Bergoine Surrounded blocks had sooo many seams the discrepancy was somewhat amplified.  The blocks were suppose to be 14" finished but they measured from about 13 1/4" to about 15 1/4".  Also some people did not make them a 'variety' of Amish colors, so I tabled a couple of them. But I thought rather than set the blocks in a regular grid where the measurement differences would be really obvious I would use them to make a border.   I designed the center to accommodate the border.  You can still see where the corners of the blocks meet how much had to be tri...