Kiwi Jam 12-31-12
It's Kind of odd that my last blog of the year should be about garden stuff instead of quilting but I had to make this batch of jam today or risk the fruit going bad. And the story behind the kiwi's is one of my bigger garden accomplishments this year! How you ask? Well first off, once planted, Kiwi vines take a number of years to reach fruition. Secondly they are one of those funny flowering plants that have both male and female flowers on separate vines and you have to have both sexes growing in close proximity to ensure fruit! So we planted 1 male plant between 2 females plants. What a lucky vine! Well a couple of years back ( before they started fruiting) the male dies, I know go figure! We had to plant a new male vine, delaying the fruiting action a few more years. This year we actually had enough fruit to make a batch of jam! I always feel like I've really accomplished something when my gard...