
Showing posts from February, 2013

Challenges at the Fair

Besides the Black and White challenge (scroll down to see) There were a number of other Challenges  ( for complete details read  here  ).  One of the Challenges was put forward by our local Modern Quilter's group.  It was called "Improv With Solids".  I'm not sure I got them all but here's a broad sampling. (Again, I apologize for the lack of labeling I just did not have enough time) The above quilt was my contribution.   Well I did not really pay attention to the challenge criteria,  It said Modern and I thought my quilt looked pretty Modern so I checked off the Modern box.  But since I was doing this blog I figured I'd best go back and get the full scoop.  Thanks to cut 'n paste here they are... *Improv piecing in this challenge does not employ the use of fusing or appliqué. *No size restrictions apply *Solids are defined as all-cotton and TRULY solid. *Use of blenders, batiks, wh...

More Faire Pix

There weren't a lot of what I would call real "Traditional" or "Reproduction" style quilts. But what few there were were really nice!  The Trapunto on this was fantastic! This one was hand quilted in the ditch all around!  Each flower has an itty bitty yo yo in the center, very pretty! Vintage butterfly blocks purchased then set , embroideried and hand quilted by the owner. I think the quilter was very brave to use dark thread and the quilting looks fantastic!  With all the blogs and websites that focus on Traditional Samplers and their relatives I found it interesting that our guild had few examples.  This one did mention Barbara Brackman's Civil War series. Here's the back.  I really like those commemerative panels.  This was a vintage top that I hand quilted.  You can read more about that on my website. here There were a lot of quilts with traditional blocks but using more contemporary layouts and fabri...

PVQA Quilt Fair Pics

This weekend was my local quilt guilds show.  I think we really did ourselves proud!  A lot of variety, interesting challenges and fine handycraft!  One of the challenges was a black and white challenge.  My first reaction was they all kind of blended together; but on my second visit to the show with my camera it revealed quite a different picture. What do you think?  I'll post pix of other challenges later.  cheers, Claire W.

Valentine's Day All Month Long

I made this quilt about 15 Valentine days ago for my husband.  In February I turn the everyday quilt on our bed to the plain white side and put this quilt on top and there it resides for the month of February. This quilt  really makes me smile. First off there's that crazy novelty fabric. All those Glamour Girls and House Frau's with the outline of their "Dream Dates"!  There's something both nostalgic and at the same time satirical about that fabric, I like it a lot. Secondly, about half of the blocks were from a swap. It was fun to share and to see what valentine blocks people made. And lastly I fulfilled a challenge that I was not wanting to do because I did not like the fabric. But my friend said all I had to do is use one small patch of the fabric.  So that's what I did!  A little wonder under and I met the challenge!  And as an added joke I changed the "Dream Date" heart to say "Dream Fabric"!  Isn't that what quilters ...

Used Quilt Books- Great Bargains

I went to my local used Book store the other day looking for a paper back novel or two and I always take a swing by the used crafts books when I'm there to see what bargains might be found.  To my great surprize this book practically lept of the book shelf and into my hands!  What a find!  This book was first published in 1996 by Henry Holt & Co. NY, NY.  It is a beautifully produced book, full of eye candy and historical info.  Here's a sampling: front cover back cover   Besides the surprize of finding the book... was the price! It was marked $5.00 US!  I'm not sure why...the cover was discolored and there was no book jacket but other wise it was in perfect condition!  I buy a lot of used books this way but they are usually not discounted THAT much.    Well, I can't comment on the text yet, I have been to busy enjoying the pictures; but,  I'll let you know how it reads if I ever get past the eye c...