About as different as two quilts can get.
I finished two tops the other day. One I had been working on all week. The other just needed borders. But it occurred to me that they were about as different as two quilts could be in design. One really scrappy made of flannels and the other a foray into the Modern world. I like all kinds of quilts and I try to make all kinds of quilts, but usually not all on the same day. lol 60" x 78" I call these kind of quilts Big Chunk quilts 'cause I go through one of my scrap bags (in this case dark flannels) and I pick out a lot of big patches Some are 6" x 10" or more. I just put them up on my design wall and try to make them fit together like a giant puzzle. 54"x 68" This quilt top was inspired by two free 4"charm packets I got from Andover at the Portland FabricMart. The colored patches were slightly textured and the pallet seemed just perfect for a Modern quilt?! The flannel quilt (I guess) qualifies as a UFO 'cause some of ...