
Showing posts from December, 2013

Christmas Quilts for Kids

I make quilts to donate to cancer patience at the City of Hope.  Usually I make them for adult patients.  My reasoning was that the kids probably already have 'blankeys' but the adults probably don't.  But I got to thinking about the kids who are stuck in the hospital for treatment at Christmas time and what a drag that must be on top of being really sick so I made a some Christmas quilts for some of those kids. These are pretty small 36" x 42".  I kept the construction really simple so I could make more.  I did not use batting just nice soft flannel backing so they could be quick-turned and then there's no binding and the quilting could be really basic. They wash and dry real easy too.   Just a little something to cuddle and delight the eye.                                              I just love this snow man fabric...

More Easy Pot Holder Ideas

I'm always on the look out for cute Holiday fabrics 'cause a clever graphic can save you a lot of sewing.  Here's a good example! These pot holders have the simplest construction possible!  One patch,  quick- turned and ta da!  Notice  the border is printed on the fabric so when I quilted around that, along the edge, it produced a nice finished look without a binding! These cuties came from this wonderful Holiday Fabric! I used the recipes for the backings on each of the potholders!  But you could use them seperately and yield twice as many potholders! I think I will laminate the gift tag portions of the panel to make bookmarkers for stocking stuffers! Oooooh, I'm feeling like some Gingerbread! How about you? Happy Holidays! Claire W.

Side Tracked by the Button Box

This time of years my mind turns to little crafty ideas to give as gifts...I was searching for a few little stocking stuffers and went to my button box for inspiration.  Like the fish attracted to the shinny lure I got completely side tracked...and frittered away some precious sewing time on sorting my buttons. I have bought more than a few grab bags of buttons in my day but there are also buttons from my mother's and grandmother's button boxes here.  It's so much fun just to think about the possibilities...Maybe string some for a bracelet for a little girl (or a grown up) and some of the one sided ones would make good post earrings.  Actually my favorite pair of earrings are made from a pair of antique gold buttons!   My husband will be happy to tell you I am a hoarder.  Not true I say, everything I save has a purpose I just haven't figured out what that purpose is yet! Don't worry, my hallways are not lined with  stacks of old Newspapers. B...