
Showing posts from January, 2014

Congrates to My Give Away Winners!

Congrats to my 100th Blog give away winners Barb, Jmniffer and Myself.  I have emailed them and they will be receiving some fabric treats real soon!  Thanks to all who stopped by and especially those who left comments!   I had a rather long break from posting over the Holidays but I have not been totally idle.  We took one short road trip to LA which yielded the following blue work square. This cute little fellow was traced from a pattern given to me by my friend Stacey.  Stacey visits our local Flea Market regularly and she saw these and purchased them for me as she knew I am working on  these Blue Work squares. They look pretty vintage to me?!  I thought maybe 30's +/ - ?  I checked my Ruby Mckim book thinking they might be her drawings but did not find a match.  Any one recognize these patterns? I will definitely be using a few more of these in my project!  They have just the right vintage style / flavor I am looki...

100th Blog - Giveaway

Well, it only took me about a year and a half but I've finely come to my 100th blog!  And my new grand baby is here visiting so I thought I'd celebrate by giving some fabric treats away! 1- charm packet of 6" patches, 2x15 bright colored for a total of 30 patches from Free Spirit.                                       2- I've been working with the same basket of Xmas fabric for a while now and I think it's time I shipped it off to someone with a fresh perspective.  There's more than a yard of the angel fabric (on rt) and a  lot of patches, fat 1/8ths and some FQs.  Xmas fabric for next years homemade gifts could be yours soon!                                       3- charm packet, 1/4 of strips & 1 yard of the plaid on the right all home spuns from Jubilee fa...