
Showing posts from March, 2014

Celebrateing my 60's!

Well, I'm turning 60 tomorrow and instead of hiding for the day I decided I'm going to follow the example of my friend Lori D. of  Humble Quilts .  When Lori turned 50 she decided she would do something special every month of the year she turned 50, to celebrate!  Well I missed that healthy attitude when I turned 50 but I decided it made a lot of sense and I may be 10 years late but I could still apply that positive attitude and celebrate my 60's in the same spirit!   So This month being my birth month I decided to sign up for a special trip so I'm going to a country and a Continent I've never visited;  Africa!  I'm not sure how Internet connecting will work there but I hope to post some pix along the way!  Cheers, CW

Modern Improv Mechanics

This is my contribution to my guild's Modern Challenge.  (see last post)  It measures about 87" x 87".  I like the fact that the challenge had no size limit.  I like working large!  The piecing was all improvised, here's how. I started with this sketchy idea... Once I had decided on the scale of the 'ladders'  I took a 90" square piece of bleached muslin and hung it on my design wall and started working on the layout of the 'shoots and ladders' with large paper strips. Once I got the layout roughed out I started constructing the 'ladders'.  I decided the 'shoots' were going to clutter up the negative space to much so I would quilt them in after the top was finished. Once the first and farthest away ladder was worked out I started to piece it. It helps to have a nice long area on which to pin large scale pieces.  The frame for my long arm works well for this.  I often use it when putting on long borders. Onc...