
Showing posts from July, 2014

More Sister's pix and a little give away!

I've been really busy this past week.  I was invited to the Manteca Guild in CA. and I taught my Scrap Strategies class.  It was great fun and they were a great group to work with!  Thus the tardiness of this last installment of Sister's quilt pix.  I often buy a little souvenir while at the Show. This year I bought this blog shop hop license plate patch, thinking that I might participate....but on second thought I decided I have enough going on so if there's anybody out there who's participating in this collection thingy of State license plate patches leave me a comment about your favorite Quilt show and I will have a drawing on Saturday. And nowhere are a few more pix from the show!!! Have a good week! cheers, CW

More Sister's Pix 2 !

I took a lot of pictures this year!  It really was a very diverse show this year.  May picture taking was pretty random but there were just soooo many cool quilts!  I have one more installment of pix after this and a little give away next time! I'll be back at weeks end to post details! cheers, CW

More Sister's Pix

Here's another picture taken from the side of the Stitchn' Post Quilt shop (see also the first photo from last post).  It's a tradition to display the Employee's Challenge on this wall.  Altho' just looking I could not tell you what that Challenge might be;  the quilts look so different?!  But they are all pretty wonderful so...what's it matter! And here are the rest of the pix I took from the teacher's tent. The first time I visited the Sister's show (1996 I think?)  The color pallets and styles were completely different!  More Traditional,  more solemn colors I would say.  Now pretty much anything goes! There's a world of possibilities out there! It sure is fun getting to see some of it!! Cheers, CW

Sister's Show

Randy ,  Lori D  and I went to the Sister's Outdoor Quilt Show on Saturday.  It was great fun!  We were a little slowed down by the heat (95ish). Here's a few pix from the Teacher's Tent to start.  I will post more each day.  I apologize for a lack of info on the pix but with such a large show I am always in speed mode.   I love the Sister's show!  It is such a grand show.  Practically the whole town turns out early Sat. morning to help hang quilts through out the cute little town of Sister's.  Some years there are upwards of 1000 quilts on display!  It's definetly on my short list of Favorites as far as quilt shows go!  What's your favorite quilt Show? Cheers, CW

Off to Modesto for a Presentation and then onto Sister's OR, Woo Hoo!

I'm looking forward to presenting my Trunk Show to the Modesto Guild this evening!   It's always so much fun to visit other guilds, meet lots of fun people and see how they run their guild meetings!  And then tomorrow I'm off to Sister's Oregon (actually Sunriver)  for a few days of sewing and fun with my buddies Randy and Lori!  Woo Hoo! I did finally make up my feeble mind about the bottom border on this wall hanging so I thought I'd post a few pix.  After considering all the helpful comments re; bottom border,  (Thanks everyone who answered my plea) I was still not happy with my choices so I dug a little deeper into my stash and found this aqua print that I thought fit the bottom nicely!  So it's done!  Yeah!  (Except for the hand sewing on the binding!) Here are some details showing the quilting. If you are wondering about the Bunny Border;  I can't give you a really good answer except to say it just kind worked for me...