
Showing posts from November, 2014

A repectable number of finishes!

Well, the year’s end is near and I thought I’d better take a little inventory of where I’ve been and where I need to go…I went through my photo files and counted up 17 completely finished projects so far in 2014!  A respectable number of finishes!  Some big and complicated and some small and simple, but still not bad for 10 months of work! Of course when I looked at my stack of tops waiting to be quilted and my baskets of  “in progress”….it kinda wiped the smile off my face!   But I think if I concentrate on getting a bunch of those tops quilted I might be able to redeem myself (somewhat) before the end of the year. lol In the mean time I have up-dated my quilt gallery and Charitable quilts pages to include my 2014 finishes.  I hope you’ll take a minute to check them out!   I'm linking up with Slow Bloggers Catherine's button is on the right.  I think my favorites were these two: This one for it's colorful simplicity... ...

More Blue Work

I've had a few car trips lately, that means progress on my blue work. The one on the right is suppose to be Fushias (?!) and the one on the left features the year 1954 which is my bith year.  I  thought I'd barrow an idea from my friend  Lori D.   of making a quilt to celebrate my birthday.  (Lori's was her 50th) I turned 60 in March, I'm a decade behind but that's OK!  Anyway I decided since I have been laboring so long on this blue work thing I would make it My commemorative quilt to honor my 60th year!  I hope to have enough blocks by the end of the year to finish the quilt!  Here's my layout so far  (minus the two above). I'm not sure I will use this layout but it's one idea...Blue work is the perfect travel project for me.  It's compact and does not require super concentration and fun! Happy Mid-week! cheers, CW

More Batik Scraps

I need to make a few scrappy samples to promote my Scrap Strategies class.  That sounds like it might be big task but it's really fun and easy using my scrappy methods!  I organize most of my small scraps ( strips and patches) by color and / or genre' of fabric.  So I grabed my basket of Batik Scraps and put them up on my design wall to see what I could see. You can see some of the scraps are already sewn together.   They are leftovers from other projects.  If something does not fit in one project it goes back in the basket to wait for the next round! It looks like it could be overwhelming but with a little sorting here and there some patterns emerge.  Think of it like that wonderful box of 75 caryons, it's Play Time! First I look for  sizes and shapes that might go together and then any color schemes that might declare themselves.  In the lower right I've grouped a bunch of scrappy Triangle Half Squares.  These were all Trimmings fro...