A repectable number of finishes!
Well, the year’s end is near and I thought I’d better take a little inventory of where I’ve been and where I need to go…I went through my photo files and counted up 17 completely finished projects so far in 2014! A respectable number of finishes! Some big and complicated and some small and simple, but still not bad for 10 months of work! Of course when I looked at my stack of tops waiting to be quilted and my baskets of “in progress”….it kinda wiped the smile off my face! But I think if I concentrate on getting a bunch of those tops quilted I might be able to redeem myself (somewhat) before the end of the year. lol In the mean time I have up-dated my quilt gallery and Charitable quilts pages to include my 2014 finishes. I hope you’ll take a minute to check them out! I'm linking up with Slow Bloggers Catherine's button is on the right. I think my favorites were these two: This one for it's colorful simplicity... ...