More Quilt Faire Pix
Our Featured artist this year was our very own Mike McNamara or Mac as we all affectionetly call him. You might recognize his name as he is one of the featured Men in Joe Cunningham's book "Men and the Art of Quiltmaking". I am a great fan of Mac the person as well as his work! He has been a steadfast pair of helping hands in our guild for 20 years and I love his free wheeling improv way of designing and making quilts! I hope you enjoy these pix of his quilts (just a sampling of his most recent work). DW #18- Sophisticated Lady- Notice the two arcs of yellow / gold through the quilt. Mac adds some patches or a few curved pieces of yellow/ gold fabric in each of his double wedding ring quilts to make a nod to the name. Sometimes you have to really look to see where the fragments of the rings are! Ring # 20 Detail of #20 Rings #15 Detail of #15 Rings #1 Rings #19 Rings #17 Rings # 17 - deta...