
Showing posts from April, 2015

Batiks from Malaysia

Another adventure I went on in March was to take a Friendly Planet tour to Malatsia! I've always wanted to visit the island of Borneo.  It is a land of so many interesting animals, habitats and people.  I thought my Fabric Friends might be interested in seeing some of the beautiful fabrics that are made in Malaysia!  Here are some sarongs hanging on washing lines outside a traditional long house.  They are very worn but still they hold their color and pattern.  The sign of real Batiks! This one has more of a chinese influenced design and the one below is a more traditional design to Malaysia and Indonesia. Both men and women wear Batiks in a wrap around fashion called a Sarong.  It's about 2 meters of fabric. Women wear the sarong full length or as a skirt like the women on the lower right. I'll share pix of some of the fabrics that I collected next time.   Cheers, CW

Back From Some Adventures

 It's nice to take a break now and then.  I've been away from home a lot over the last month and a half so I decided to simplify life and not try to blog while I was away.  I've got lots of adventures to share; but, since it's so fresh in my mind I'll start by telling about my adventure last weekend. I was invited to present my Trunk Show and teach my class 'Scrap Strategies' for the Ladies of The Lake Quilt Guild up in Lake County, CA.  What a great group!  Excuse the '60's terminology; but,  they really have a nice vibe!  Everyone was really friendly and helpful and I'd like to give a special shout out to Valerie and Linda for making me feel so welcome! After my presentation on Sat. morning I had time to do a little sightseeing.  First stop was Kerrie's Quilting.  Check out Kerrie's website  .  Kerrie has a nice array of fabrics and a lot of cute samples.  You can also pick-up this bro...