
Showing posts from October, 2015

Happy Hallowen! And follow up on BOM

Happy Halloween!! I'm practicing my Barrista skills (such as they are, lol) And... You might remember this pic from my Oct. BOM post? For people still looking for the instructions to the Oct. BOM scroll down to the last post. I made the blocks on the left first, but I was not real happy with the color scheme so I made the blocks on the right. Much better?! But what to do with those 4 other blocks? Resign them to Orphan Block Purgatory?! Not if I can help it! Four blocks is just about the right number for a table runner!  That will make a nice holiday gift for someone! Here's the back!  Happy Fall! Cheers, Claire W.

PVQA BOM for October- "Falling Leaves"

As I mentioned to my guild meeting the other night we all have personal styles when it comes to piecing but it's important to put your best piecing practices forward when participating with BOM.  Here's a link to a post I did a while back titled "Have you checked your 1/4 inch lately?"  If you've never done this and you have trouble getting your blocks to turn out the right size try this little exercise;postID=4779647672329847051;onPublishedMenu=posts;onClosedMenu=posts;postNum=12;src=postname  .    For the October BOM I wanted a Fall theme block,  something a little different looking than your average Maple Leaf block and I found this really pretty deciduous leaf print and I designed this  block setting to go around it.  I think it's an original block design tho' I have not done a literature search?!  How does that work? I'm calling the design "Falling ...

Pink and Blue

Pink and Blue, what a great color combo, especially when illuminated by some natural inspiration! I caught this sunset recently and the colors were so vivid!  My camera has a pretty decent zoom so I was able to get a picture that showed those beautiful colors and textures! Here's the same view only zoomed back a bit.  And here it is on normal landscape with a flash.  Quite a difference! I have had a pattern in mind to make a pink and blue quilt for awhile, maybe it's time I got that pattern out and got started?! What's your pink and blue? Do you have a pattern that you've been wanting to make? I'll keep you posted on my start! cheers, CW