
Showing posts from November, 2015

PVQA Block of the Month - Modern Kaleioscope!

Image November 2015 BOM- Modern Kaleidoscope                                       11.5”  Unfinished Sorry it has taken so long to get these instructions posted but since the block is not due until our Jan. general meeting you will have plenty of time to complete it! At first glance you might think this block is going to be tricky?!  Besides the bias edges there's really nothing tricky, all the seams are straight and if you let the feeddogs do their job, the bias edges should be OK! (view is 4 blocks together) The inspiration for this quilt was a picture of a quilt by Katie Blakesley on the Home page of  Checkout their website;   MQG  is a worldwide Online guild that puts on QuiltCon and provides a whole lot of great info. about the Modern quilt movement! Fabric:   Choose the Background fabr...

Invention of the Sewing Machine

It's surprizing how many problems can be solved when Sleeping! Have a great weekend ! Cheers! Claire W.

Whims and Fancies Trunk Show

Thanks to Soma at Whims and Fancies  for the chance to take a stroll down Quilt Finishes Memory Lane! If your looking for the PVQA November BOM I will post it next Monday. I went to my first Quilt Guild  "Show and Tell" in 1994 and I was immediately smitten with the World of Quilt Making!  I like all Kinds of quilts and so I Make all kinds of quilts. How I decide what kind of quilt to make usually depends on who I'm making it for.   For gifts for friends and family I try to figure out what that person would like.  If it's a Charitable quilt it might be quite simple for time sake.  If it's for my own entertainment or a personal challenge I tend to make quilts that are Scrappy and / or abstract.  My website  is titled "Confessions of an Eclectic quilter", see what you think!? Early Personal Challenges.... Blue and Gold- 1998 This was a very formative quilt for me.  The challenge was three fold: 1- I rec'd the blocks through a bloc...

Major Purge and Give Away

If you are looking for the PVQA BOM,  I will be posting that next Monday.  Right now I have some more pressing matters... Well I don't think I'm a pathological hoarder but I do tend to hold onto fabric and quilt supplies in general until I am Absolutely, Positively sure that I have no use for them! But after 20 years of quilt making in my sewing room And because I'm getting a new long arm machine, Yeah!  But the frame is a foot wider than my old one,Yikes! that's 12 square feet of space in my sewing room,   I decided it was time for a major purge!!! So what does that mean... -Out went the polybatting that I will never use! -Out went almost half of my old garment fabrics! -Out went a whole bunch of random scrap bags full of project ideas that even after incubatting for   Oh, I don't know, maybe 15 years have not passed the idea stage... -Out went all of the large chunks of fleece leftovers.   I thought I would someday piece them together ...