
Showing posts from August, 2016

Quilting a Panel

My Grand daughter welcomed a baby sister into the world this week.  Ari is 2.5 years old so being a Big sister may be a bit of a tough concept.  My mom use to always send "big sib" gifts to older children as a way of softening the shock of no longer being the only focus of their parents world.  I thought I would continue that tradition for my g-daughter.  I have made her several quilts already, but when I saw this Peppa Pig panel (her favorite cartoon character) I thought this might be a good choice for a "big sib" gift. Quilting the background was no problem, some outlining and squiggly stippling covered that territory but I was at a lose as to how to quilt Peppa's face?! I started out doing swirls but it did not look right.  So then I just went crazy and doodled all over, that seemed to work better.  I followed the old adage "when you make a mistake just repeat it so it looks intentional!"     Well I don't think Ari will be scrutinizing ...

PVQA August 2016 BOM- another Scrap Buster!

   “Scrappy Two-For-one”                                                            10“ unfinished Fabrics This is a real scrap buster!    Get out your scrap bag and look for Bright / Kid fabrics in strips ranging in width from 1.5” to 3” and 21” long (1/2 of a width of fabric or use the whole width and you will get 4 blocks per strippy set!).   Bright solids, dots, stripes, checks and other bright graphix will also work.   Cut If you don’t have any of these kinds of scraps then cut a number of strips in a variety of widths from 1.5” to 3.5” and 21” long. Enough to add up to a strippy unit 10.5” wide when sewn together.     Sew / Cut 1-  Sew all your strips to...

The Latest Quirky Old Quilt

While at the Sister's show I happened upon this String Quilt at one of the local Antique shops located on the main drag in Sister's.  A humble quilt top to be sure, but full of interesting details! Right off you can see that the center rows were probably made at the same time while bottom and top rows were added on at some later date. Here's the back side. It was clearly foundation pieced on to newsprint, but unfortunately the paper has been torn out leaving only unidentifiable remnants. The blocks are mostly machine pieced but here and there were some hand sewn strips. The lavender flowered fabric is a rayon.  This is the add-on row at the top.  The rayon sashing is probably the main reason the top row is so wonky!   The fabrics are mostly '30's, 40's maybe reaching into the 50's.  The striped and dotted shirtings make it difficult to say because they were so widely used over a long period of time?! But this tan floral fab (...