
Showing posts from October, 2016

Three For the Road

I managed to deliver 3 Charitable quilts to the hospice program yesterday!  The quilts were all in varying stages of completion.  Sometimes just getting myself to snip off all the loose threads on the back or put a binding on is all that they need to be on their way but I just don't have the umph to get it done.  I have not actually kept track but I think a lot of my quilts wait longer for bindings than piecing or quilting?! I think I actually posted a pic of this quilt a couple of years ago after I finished quilting it and then it sat around for another year or so before I got the binding on. Below is the back.  I'm really trying to use large chunks of stash fabric to make backs.  Part of what my friend Randy calls a "Stash reduction program"!  This pinky soft quilt is actually an Irish chain layout tho' you can hardly tell. So much for low  volume contrast!                     ...

The Imposter revealed!

Here is the block before assembly (just so you know I'm not trying to pull a fast one, lol). You will find the block in the 1st column, 4th row position in the layout. Two people guessed this block, Nancy and Mami, congrates, to you!   "Well Spotted" as they say on Safari!  And thanks to all who made a guess and left comments!   My aim in using these fabrics was to make the block as innocuous as possible and use fabrics that I had on hand.  The tan stripe was a pretty good match to one of the fabrics in 3 of the blocks. The shirting fabric (which came from an old shirt)  seamed a better match than any of the vintage shirting fabs in my stash.   It did seam a bit bright but there are lots of other bright fabs in the original so I did not think that would make it stand out more than some others.  I might Tea dye it to tone it down and further camouflage it? Now the trick will be finding some appropriate border fabric?!  I want it ...

Find the imposter!

A couple of weeks ago I posted some pix of these blocks gifted to me by a friend.  All I needed was one more block to make this layout.  So I dug deep into my vintage stash to find two fabrics to use for that one block.  i did not have anything that would yield an exact copy of any of the blocks but I wanted to catch the flavor of the other blocks. Can you find the imposter?  It was a fun exercise and I hand pieced the block to be authentic to the original blocks that are all hand pieced.  Of course that was not to difficult since I only had one block to make!! lol I'll post the answer next time... Have a great week! Cheers, CW

Update on the August BOM

I thought the August BOM was so much fun and easy to make I just kept making them!  I saw this block set somewhere on the Internet using a similar kind of block and thought it would look great using these blocks! This quilt is so scrap-o-licious I thought it would be good to hook up with Scraptastic Tuesday.  Link is to the right!   Here's a little display of the blocks that were turned in at the Sept. general meeting!  There were a total of 82 blocks!!   With that many blocks we had two Winners! With 41 blocks you could easily have enough for a full lap quilt right off the bat!   If I've peaked your curiosity here's the link back to the instructions  here.                                                    Happy Weekend! Cheers, Claire W.