
Showing posts from December, 2016

More Orphan Block Finishes!

Sometimes I get gifted orphan blocks that aren't really orphan blocks!  They come in a baggies.  Related half sewn blocks and scraps, left overs from projects.  This quilt began from such a baggy.  I'm a serious scrounger,  I like puzzles,  and I'm always up for a challenge! There were a variety of half sewn blocks, some left over red and yellow patches, green and beige patches and some red and black fabric.  I know the middle part is not symmetrical  but that was the way the units fit together.  There was just enough to work with to make a Vet Lap Quilt (36" x 48). I often think quilters get to bogged down in the mistakes or the symmetry and they don't see how non-quilter's view their work.   To the non trained eye a quilt may be treasured for it's beauty and cuddly qualities with little or no notice to the boo-boos and lack of symmetry.  So I just keep sewing because I think any charitable finish is a good finish! Simpl...

Some more Finishes!!

I've been on a roll to finish tops that have been hanging around.  Partly to reach my goal of making a certain number of charity quilts this year and partly just to get some things DONE, FINISHED, OUT OF MY HAIR! Today's finish is this Orphan block project.  I started it last summer at Randy's quilt retreat in Sunriver.  It's made up of a whole bunch of Thank you blocks given to me by my guild member's for being BOM chairperson last year. Read more here . I like to call these Composite Quilt's.  Made from a bit of this and a bit of that.  It was great fun quilting this quilt because there was a lot of room for variety in the quilting.  I kind of just doodled around...  Different shapes call for different doodles, I like  the variety!  I just love these butterfly blocks they are so cute!! The kite block is what got me started on this quilt, ...

October BOM in review

October BOM was a Sampler block which is why I never posted instructions but here are the blocks that were turned in at the November meeting.  Sorry for the poor photo I took it on my iphone and did not look at it very carefully and now the blocks have all gone home with the lucky winner.  It is still interesting to see what people made with the fabric provided! Here's a pic of the blocks I made.  The packets provided the Fall theme fabric and the background and the only instructions were to make an 8" block with those fabrics plus one more if desired. I chose the Fall theme fabric because it was #1 pretty and #2 even tho' we think of Fall colors as mostly yellow,red, rust and brown there are still a lot of shades of green around until there is a hard freeze.  The fabric is quite pretty because of the green (I think), The days are so short now it's just passed 5:00 and it's totally dark outside!  Which reminds me I have not locked up the Chickens,...


I'm Coordinator of the "Bargain Garden" aka Flea Market for my local guild's Quilt Fair this year.  As such a lot of interesting things (and fabric, teehee!) pass through my hands on the way to the storage locker.  I never really considered making or purchasing a vintage example of a Yo-Yo style bed cover but this one got my attention .  It is a wonderful example of a Yo-Yo bed topper!  It's still a scrappy 40's style but the checkerboard design provides some over all continuity and focus to the scraps. Setting the blocks on point and sashed by the diagonal blue lines adds a dynamic element making the over all appearance more interesting. These bed toppers are often pretty worn out because of the structural challenges that yo-yo's have but this example is in great shape! I was tempted  to put in an offer on this lovely but I already have more vintage stuff than I can adequately store.  I think I will offer it to the Live Auction committee as they h...