More Orphan Block Finishes!
Sometimes I get gifted orphan blocks that aren't really orphan blocks! They come in a baggies. Related half sewn blocks and scraps, left overs from projects. This quilt began from such a baggy. I'm a serious scrounger, I like puzzles, and I'm always up for a challenge! There were a variety of half sewn blocks, some left over red and yellow patches, green and beige patches and some red and black fabric. I know the middle part is not symmetrical but that was the way the units fit together. There was just enough to work with to make a Vet Lap Quilt (36" x 48). I often think quilters get to bogged down in the mistakes or the symmetry and they don't see how non-quilter's view their work. To the non trained eye a quilt may be treasured for it's beauty and cuddly qualities with little or no notice to the boo-boos and lack of symmetry. So I just keep sewing because I think any charitable finish is a good finish! Simpl...