
Showing posts from March, 2017

Go West Young Man!

My friend Lynn was expecting her baby in April.  But Baby Vincent decided to arrive early so this project became a rush job!  I asked Lynn what color/ theme/style of quilt she would like for her sweet baby and she said she did not care so much about the style as long as it had something to do with California. Lynn grew up in California and her parents still live here but she went off to NYU to Grad school about 10 years ago.  I think she really enjoyed living in New York City for a number of years but as the time for parenthood grew near she realized she'd really like to be closer to her parents,  And back in the Sunshine state!                      I knew right away I had the perfect fabric for the project!  Randy over at  gave me this fabric a while back for my B-day!   I thought the               ...

March 2017 PVQA BOM

Exploring the Self Portrait..." Where in the Heck did I leave my Sunglasses?" Have you ever spent 20 min. looking for your sunglasses when they were right on your head?! The inspiration for this BOM was a group of caricatures from this book: My local guild is doing a program based on the work and humor of Jean Ray Laury.  It seemed fitting to pick a project from one of her books.  I thought that I would use one of Jean's face patterns but then my friend Jan sent me a link to funny faces on pinterest and that really got my creative ideas going...   here's the link:[]=funny%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=quilt%7Ctyped&term_meta[]=faces%7Ctyped Check it out...thousands of ideas, your imagination will run wild! I discovered that caricature, no matter how you approach it,  can be a lot of fun!   Here's a challenge! How would you characterize yourself in a humorous...

A few more finishes...

Where did the time go?  I've been scrambling to finish a few quilts for my local guild show.  Last weekend in Feb we had our show.  It was a good show but the weather definitely effected the gate numbers. There were lots of great quilts, vendors, and programs.  Our featured speaker was Roderick Kircofe the author of Maverick quilts.  He's a fun speaker and it was interesting to hear how he developed his collection of Mid last century Quirky Quilts! Here's one of my entries,  this quilt was still in pieces when I left for India.  Fortunately the construction was pretty simple. And since this is Such a scrap-o-licious project I'm linking up with Scraptasti Tuesday:  link is to the right! I used my Scrappy techniques to construct blocks that accommodated the paper template. Once the first triangle was cut from the block the right triangles could be rotated arount and sewn to make another equilateral triangle. I was surprised a...