Last week ...

Last week was a marathon not a sprint! - Monday - I got up early to beat the traffic to Sacramento to arrive by 9:00 to teach my Scrap Strategies class. The class was attended by a really enthusiastic group of quilters and we all had lot of fun!!! -Tuesday- I walked along part of the Sacramento river to see some sights and get some exercise and then Tues. night I presented my Trunk Show for the River City Quilt Guild. The whole guild was very welcoming and we all had a whole lot of fun!! -Wednesday- I got up early again to beat the traffic to Berkeley where I met my sister to help do some chores at my parent's house and then race back to Santa Cruz so's I could get ready for Thanksgiving at my house. -Thursday and Friday are kind of a blur but there was a lot of cooking, eating, cleaning, playing games, laughing and just generally having a whole heck of a lot of fun! -Saturday- was putting a lot of stuff away and Sunday I actually got to do some...