
Showing posts from November, 2017

Last week ...

Last week was a marathon not a sprint! - Monday - I got up early to beat the traffic to Sacramento to arrive by 9:00 to teach my Scrap Strategies class.     The class was attended by a really enthusiastic group of quilters and we all had lot of fun!!! -Tuesday-  I walked along part of the Sacramento river to see some sights and get some exercise and then Tues. night I presented my Trunk Show for the River City Quilt Guild.  The whole guild was very welcoming and we all had a whole lot of fun!! -Wednesday- I got up early again to beat the traffic to Berkeley where I met my sister to help do some chores at my parent's house and then race back to Santa Cruz so's I could get ready for Thanksgiving at my house. -Thursday and Friday are kind of a blur but there was a lot of cooking, eating, cleaning, playing games, laughing and just generally having a whole heck of a lot of fun! -Saturday- was putting a lot of stuff away and Sunday I actually got to do some...

Rescue Project

Sometimes in the making of a quilt top a certain kind of mistake becomes compounded compelling the maker to abandon the project altogether.  This top was one such project.  I found this top in the guild flea market and though it definitely had problems I thought with a little patience it could be rescued. This quilt top had great colors, cute basket blocks, nice layout but the floral panels between the basket panels were so heavily steam a' seamed they were almost as stiff as cardboard. (reverse view)  And  in the course of cutting and pasting I think the floral design got lost so the visual impact just was not working. Seemed to me the remedy was pretty simple: the floral panels could be replaced with something more complimentary (and less stiff) and all would be well! Compare the left to the right of center.  One more panel to replace and a renewed Top done! And since Our Flea Market charges $4.00 / pound for all fabric the financial risk was a ...