
Showing posts from January, 2018

More BOM finishes!

The very first BOM I presented to my Guild way back in June of 2015 was this sail boat block.  I got the idea from a quilt I saw on a post of Barbra Brackman's blog.Check out my post and a link to Brackman's here: . Some times when people win blocks it takes awhile before they reappear at guild as finished quilts.  The winner of these blocks from 2015 brought not one but two finished quilts to the Jan. guild meeting.  Laura said she had so much fun making more blocks to go with the blocks she won she made a whole other quilt in patriotic colors!  Brava, Laura!  They are both great quilts! I liked this quilt so much I made more blocks and made my own version (see below). I call it "Sailing away on an ocean of ugly fabric"  because it does not seem to make a difference what background you use as long as the foreground stands in high contrast! The blo...

Crazy Quilt from 1904

One of the perks of being the Bargain Garden coordinator is that we get a lot of amazing donations and I get to see them and sort them before the Fair where we have an awesome Fabric Sale.  Occasionally I receive a particularly exceptional vintage top or quilt like this one.                     This top has some really fabulous embroidery, it's in really good shape and some fantastic fabrics!                                                                     Take a look. Soooo much fun to look at and study! When we get really fine items like this I send them on to the live auction char person.  It will get a much better price in a live auctions setting. Happy Weekend! Cheers, CW

Another BOM quilt top done!

My friend Ann contacted me in the Fall to ask if I could forward the post with the instructions for the Basket quilt block that was a BOM sometime last Spring.  Even tho' Ann works full time she's told me she still sews a little bit everyday after she gets home from work.  So I was not too surprised to get an email and these pix of her already Finished basket quilt top!  Very pretty, Ann, and of course I love the colors!  I like setting of the blocks too. Ann said that the instructions were clear and that the blocks came out the right size!  It's always nice to get feedback like that! Here's the link to that post: And here's the link to what members of the guild made: You can see from these posts that the color scheme and sets are completely different but both are very effect...

Free Form Curve Piecing

I'm working on a sample for a new class.   I've been using free form curved piecing in a variety of ways for years. It's great for making wonky borders, adding abstract shape and making overall patterns.  Like these examples: But 'til recently I had not thought of applying the technique to some other standard quilt blocks. What  got me thinking about this was I needed a technique that I could demonstrate at the NCQC's  (Northern California Quilt Council) January meeting.  I thought free form curve piecing might be a good choice because it's easy,  fun and I could probably demonstrate it in the time allowed. So I started sewing examples of curved pieced units to see just how many different things I could come up with;  and then it occurred to me that with a little finesse you could probably sew a lot of different blocks and that lead to the idea of making a Sampler! But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Here's the basic t...

Great Application of Scrap Strategies!

I bumped into a student from the Scrap Strategies class that I taught in Nov. for the River City Quilter's Guild (Sacramento) at the Northern California Quilt Council meeting yesterday.  Brenda shared this wonderful picture of some baskets she made using her scrappy units she'd made in the class!  What a great application of this scrappy method.  I'd never thought of applying my Scrap Strategies to something 3-D!  Great idea Brenda thanks for sharing! More about the NCQC meeting tomorrow! Cheers, CW

Good Grief, where has the time gone?!

Happy New Years, Everyone!! As you could probably glean from my bloggy absence I've been very busy in other quarters of my life.  Not a whole lot of sewing going on here!  Grrrr!  This might make me cranky but my grandkids are here visiting and so life is good and fun and exhausting all at the same time! Everyone's gone to the Aquarium today so I have a minute to stop and say Hello and wish everyone a very Happy New Year!  And share a holiday picture and idea.... I saw this kit in an ad for Bed, Bath and Beyond for not one but five small ginger bread houses including pre-made icing in a application bag and a variety of candy decorations.  It seemed like just the ticket for a family crafty project for our holiday get together. Family members teamed up and everybody spent some time 'gluing' and decorating a house.  Even the youngsters were able to participate with a little help from all the adults on hand!  With everything pre made it made the p...