
Showing posts from May, 2018

Vacationing in Spain

First stop Barcelona!  No visit to Barcelona is complete without a visit to Sagrada Familia.  The Cathedral designed by Gaudi in the early 20th Century and still a work in progress as you can see from the cranes.                                                                                                  .  The interior is more less finished  The two main towers will be completed in 2026.  The cathedral has been built mostly on private donation, no state support. We decided to visit the top of one of the towers. The view was spetacular... and getting a birds eye view of some of the facade was very interesting.   Fortunately access to the top is by elevator but going down is this way!   The n...

Class Samples

I did manage to finish both these tops last Monday so I could take them to Guild to advertise my Basic Quilting class! And Sat. the class went really well!  Everyone did really well! I showed how to check their quarter inch on their sewing machines and they made some sample 4 patch and 9 patch blocks. For seasoned piecers this might seem So basic but for beginners, this the place to start. I was pleased with the way the Modern Sampler came out altho' I think I'm going to add borders to make it wider.  But when I asked my students which example they liked better they all preferred the French General Fabrics! What do I know?!  I think I will take them to the Modern Quilt Guild 'show and share' and see what they say. To each their own! Happy Sewing! cheers! cw

Up date on Samplers

My goal was to finish these two tops by the end of today! My original idea was to make them identical, one in French General prints and the other Modern prints.  I had a lot of trouble getting the French General prints to play nice.  There were several that I couldn't use 'cause the prints were really large scale.  Things I would use for borders. And I was running out of time !  I want to show these examples at guild tonight to illustrate what I want to teach in the "Basics" class. I decided that as long as I had examples of all the lessons Between the two tops it would accomplish my goal. So I finished the FG fabrics sample as a wall hanging.   I liked it a lot more when I added the toile as a filler.  It created a lot more interest. And now onto the modern top... I've got all of these units sewn together.  I just need to make one more block.  The spaces will be all neutral filler fabs like the grey dots.  So I think I can...

Progress on Sampler Blocks

I've been having fun (and some challenges) working on the Sampler blocks for my Quilting Basics Class.  Working in Parallel I have tried to make a number of different blocks that exemplify different skills in piecing.  I think I have a pretty good start.  So far I have Blocks with HST, partial seams, simple and more complex strip piecing,  4-point stars, 8 point stars and a few misc. components.  I still need to tackle set-in corners,  diamond patches and odd angle triangles.  Anything I've missed give me a shout?!  I should say I'm just concentrating on piecing skills...I will leave the applique  teaching to those who have skill in that arena! LOL I haven't figured out the layouts yet and the Vintage vs Modern are not exact copies, block for block,  but I think they will make good teaching samples.  Here's what Iv'e got so far: The 8 pointed stars did not turn out so well.  The design in the French General toile (top ce...