Class Samples

I did manage to finish both these tops last Monday so I could take them to Guild to advertise my Basic Quilting class!
And Sat. the class went really well!  Everyone did really well!
I showed how to check their quarter inch on their sewing machines and they made some sample 4 patch and 9 patch blocks.
For seasoned piecers this might seem So basic but for beginners, this the place to start.
I was pleased with the way the Modern Sampler came out altho' I think I'm going to add borders to make it wider.  But when I asked my students which example they liked better they all preferred the French General Fabrics!
What do I know?! 
I think I will take them to the Modern Quilt Guild 'show and share' and see what they say.
To each their own!
Happy Sewing!
cheers! cw


  1. Awesome melding of your lovely blocks!

  2. I would find it hard to choose which palette I perfer. Though I'm a big French General fan, there is something about those fresh bright colours in your modern mix up that really appeals. But then you are such a wonderful quilter- what lucky students.


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