
Showing posts from April, 2019

A Finish and Spring is Truly here!

I traveled around quite a bit this month so not much sewing time.  But this past week I did get in enough sew time to get this top quilted.  The fabrics were so cute and the color scheme so pretty,  it was a lot of fun to work with.  I don't think this pic does it justice?  I guess the dark pink and blue throw off the color balance in the light meter or something?! These pix show off the fabrics a little better.   The Brights with the pastels are very appealing!   And Spring has Sprung in our yard!  After 5 years of draught here in California we finally had a decent amount of rain this year and the garden is really showing it!   We all feel very blessed for this momentary reprieve  from Climate Change! I hope your Spring is lush and green and full of flowers! cheers, CW