
Showing posts from May, 2019

New Eye Spy quilt top

Shrimp season has brought us to our family cabin on Hood Canal, Washington state this week. The shrimping was a real bust yesterday but the weather has been really nice, sunny and mild.  And I've gotten some productive sew time! My stash here at the cabin is really basic,  a bag of scraps and some random FQ's.  I also brought a number of UFO's from home all of which I lost interest in as soon as I took them out of my bag.  So I fell back to my scrap bag.  All the pieces were really small, just bits and pieces.  But I managed to make a bunch of 3.5" scrappy units.  For no particular reason I had grabbed a hunk of plan white yardage and put that in my bag with the UFO's.   What to do with the little scrappy units?  It just jumped out! I like this setting.  Keeping track of where everything went seemed really easy! This started our as a charitable quilt but I like it so much I think I will give it to my grand children.  We...

Happy Mother's day!

I posted this picture several years ago after my mom died, but I really like the image and the sentiment. My mom always did watch out for me.  Thanks Mom! And to all women everywhere, whether you be mom's in reality or not do something nice for yourselves 'cause we females of the species are always looking out for others. Have a beautiful day! Cheers, CW