Happy Presidents Day

Well I have not been posting much but I have been sewing! Here are a couple of finishes! I think it was last Summer when I posted about this project. I titled it "Liberated UFO" because The blocks had been languishing in a basket for several years because I was stuck on an old idea of how to put them together. Then one day I just said forget, put them together some other way. And in matter of days the top was finished! And now it's really finished, binding and all. I quilted it very simply, mostly in the ditch. I backed it with something soft and fuzzy and even tho' the quilting was nothing special it still makes a nice pattern on the back. Ya' gotta Love Matching thread! This next finish was a rescue project from last years Guild Flea market. It was a small sample book of striped denim like material. Destined for the land fill. But I thought "I can do something with that" so I adopted it. ...