Lots of sewing and quilting!

I got a lot of sewing and quilting done last week but then the holiday weekend happened and I did not have time to post. My daughter and her boy friend came to visit and the weather was so nice we spent most of the time out doors. My daughter also put in a request that I make one of her friends a baby quilt. She just gave birth to Baby Leo last week. Here tis: I have collected so many cute kid fabrics in recent years that it was a real pleasure to browse them and find something to make for Leo! I made a quilt last year for the grandchild of another friend and I had a lot of leftover blocks from that quilt. I put them together last week thinking maybe I could use them for Leo's quilt but i showed Naomi the personalized design and it was a no brainer. Here's that other top. You can see the variety of kid fabs. It still needs a border but it will be done soon! Besides those two projects I also finished quilting that top I posted abo...