
Showing posts from May, 2020

Lots of sewing and quilting!

I got a lot of sewing and quilting done last week but then the holiday weekend happened and I did not have time to post.  My daughter and her boy friend came to visit and the weather was so nice we spent most of the time out doors.  My daughter also put in a request that I make one of her friends a baby quilt.  She just gave birth to Baby Leo last week.  Here tis: I have collected so many cute kid fabrics in recent years that it was a real pleasure to browse them and find something to make for Leo! I made a quilt last year for the grandchild of another friend and I had a lot of leftover blocks from that quilt.  I put them together last week thinking maybe I could use them for Leo's quilt but i showed Naomi the personalized design and it was a no brainer. Here's that other top.  You can see the variety of kid fabs.  It still needs a border but it will be done soon! Besides those two projects I also finished quilting that top I posted abo...

UFO from 2011

I just finished this quilt top today!  The beginnings of this top date back to 2011.  My friend Sandy H. (My Material Creations) had made and displayed a modified 9 patch- in- 9 patch at our local Quilt Show  ( sorry I can't remember the designers name).  My friend Randy D. (Barrister's Block) saw the quilt at the quilt Show and just loved it.  She was working on top when I came to visit her for a little Winter retreat at her house in Sunriver.  I know it was 2011 because I actually found the post that Randy made about it:  I decided to make the quilt too.  I found a print that I thought might work well for the pattern.  I just guesstimated how much yardage .  It wasn't 'til I'd made the first few blocks back home that I realized I did not have enough of the print.  Into the UFO pile it went.    I brought it out once or twice over the years and ma...

Something new and something old

The new thing is this quilt top. Which I started and finished this week.   The idea was to use large rectangles arranged in a loose half drop fashion.  All of the rectangles were suppose to be of similar style print and intensity. I got the general idea from this advert out of an old Country Living magazine from 2011.   I liked the look of the big rectangles of fabric but I did not want to make a queen size quilt so I scaled it down  and played with the layout. But I did not really have enough prints with same intensity in their colors so I don't think it was as successful as the inspiration. But it was easy and fun to experiment and it will make a fine donation quilt. This next top was all but finished 5 years ago but not quite the right size and I just could not settle on  that last fabric choice.  These Amy Butler prints are wonderful but I have a hard time matching  them with fabrics outside their line. I recently found the blue and ...

Purple Scraps

This past week I've been kind of busy making hospital smocks for the local County Health office.  Not real fun sewing but I figured I'd do my bit since I haven't sewn any masks lately and I have a serger which makes the garment sewing much faster and easier.  Here and there I have been working on an all purple scrap quilt for my daughter-in-law.  Purple is her favorite color and she is Graduating from Nurse anesthesia School this weekend and I wanted to make her something special to celebrate. As usual it won't be in time for the Event but it won't take to long to finish this one. Monochrome scrap quilts are so much fun to make!  You don't have to think to hard as to What-goes- with-What 'cause, well, it all goes together! Here's one I made for my mom on her 90th B-day! The colors are always so rich! I hope you are all well and safe. Take care, CW