Another Diversion: Green Orphan Blocks Reach Critical Mass!

I actually Did work on the Purple Thingy this week but it's still in pieces so I won't post another picture of that! One can only stand assembly line piecing so long before the heart cries out for a little variety. So, I dug out one of my baskets of Orphan Blocks and realized I had accumulated enough shades of green to construct a top. The rows are mostly assembled I just need to work out the strips between the rows and how to finish tht one central row. Here 'tis! These are all Real Orphan Blocks given to me by various friends and guild members. You might not think some of these blocks could go together but I find the color agreement is enough to carry the design along. Some of the block's put together might seem awkward but I think quirky juxtapositions work when taken with the whole! I was also lucky to have this collection of quarter square triangles on hand. They more less run the spectrum of greens that compliment ...