Lots of Finishes!

I've got lots of Finishes to share today. Some are Real finishes (Quilted and Bound) and some just 'phase finishes' ( finished tops or quilted and not yet bound ). Back in July I was avoiding the purple project and started playing around with some Green orphan blocks. I got those put together... Some of those blocks were so old they were hand pieced! I had so much fun with that project I thought I'd keep going with some Blue and gold orphan blocks and pieced this top and I even got it quilted! I had been itching to use that pretty canary fabric for ages. I think using it for the border worked really well! And I was able to use up a lot of my blue and gold stash in the inner borders. And then even more for the backing! I spent to much time putting details into the quilting that really don't show. Oh well. Experiment and learn... This next quilt has kind of an interesting background. Someone donated a big bag of...