
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Emergence of Cotton

 I subscribe to a free website called Delancey Place.  Each weekday they post an excerpt from some  nonfiction book.  The topics range widely from History,  Science,  Financial, Biographical, Art etc.  The excerpt is usually short, a page or two, but I find most of them really interesting and educational. Today's excerpt is titled the "Emergence of Cotton".  As quilters this is a very important topic!  To think that the East Indian Trading Co. (started in 1600)  began importing Cotton goods from India and that  ultimately changed the way Europeans dressed (and trickled down to us quilter)  is really fascinating. Today's post can be found under:  The Emergence of Cotton, 11-17-2020 the link to the Website is;   here enjoy! cw

Back to the Scrap Bag

My DH and I are taking a little "time out" at our family cabin on Hood Canal.  The cabin is small so I tend to pick sewing projects that can be contained.  Out came the scrap bag that I worked from last Summer.  Still lots of fun stuff in there.  This time I chose my favorite scrap strategy;  sewing patches to strips and then sewing those to more strips etc.  You can find a full demo. at this  old post. It's a lot of fun and a real stress free kind of sewing.  It does not require any accurate piecing until the final square-up  which suits me in these anxious times!  These blocks finish at 6".  I will need about 64 framed with 1.5" sashing to make a decent sized bed quilt. I've got plenty of scraps and lots of time so....Sew on! I have about 25 finished a lots more about half done. My day started with this beautiful tranquil view: I wish everyone Peace! Take Care, CW