
Showing posts from January, 2021

One more Quilt the Giveaway project

 There is one more Quilt Give-away scheduled for CZX fire victims in Feb.   I've been digging in my Orphan block basket to get a jump start on some new projects for that event.  I found this whole stack of HST's all color coordinated and ready to be sewn so I started with that. This will measure about 50" square.   I've got the blocks together I just need to figure out some borders to make it bed size... Have a great week! take care, cw

'70's vintage quilt donation

 I received this quilt as a donation to the Guild Flea market sometime in the Spring.  It has a wonderful variety of applique and pieced blocks and it is wonderfully hand quilted!  It was constructed in the "potholder" style.  Each block is constructed and quilted individually and then they are all seamed together and the seams are covered with appliquéd sashing.  The quilt was all but finished except for one strip of sashing and the binding.  My friend Helen volunteered to finish the hand work and we agreed it would make a great donation to the CZU quilt give away. It appears at least in part to be a commemorative quilt based on the lower left block which has a date and title.  It's hard to say if the 70's date is the starting date or simply a dedication of some sort.  There's no help looking at the fabrics for dating clues since there's only one pretty nondescript print and the rest of the fabrics are solids.   But I think the backgrou...

Final finish of 2020 and first finish of 2021 !

 I got this cute little baby quilt finished and in the mail to My Nephew and his wife on Monday.  They are expecting their first child in Feb.  The Shower tho' is on Sunday and I wanted to make sure it got there in time for the party. I was pleased with the overall design.  Those animal motifs from Robert Kauffman were really fun to play with and work into the design.  And as an added bonus I found this cute outfit to go with! It's not often you can coordinate your quilt with your outfit!   For my first finish of the year I dug deep into my back log of UFO's. I started this quilt about 8 years ago.    The only place to buy fabric near where I was living at the time was Walmart.  The selection was pretty limited and some of the gray goods used to print upon are not best quality like you would expect in a quilting store.  But they had some FQ bundles with larger pieces of coordinating fabrics and I bought the set. Have you ever had th...