Flannel Scraps, Hydrangeas, and other pix from the NW
We're at my families cabin on Hood Canal for a couple of weeks. Of course I brought my sewing machine and a box of scraps. Here are a couple of layouts. This first one I thought I'd try to use all the big scraps. I call these "big Chunk" quilts. It needs some messaging... This second one is all the bits and bobs leftover from a variety of projects. This one needs A Lot of messaging... It's all fun!!!! Besides sewing ... The weather has been so beautiful we've really gotten out and about. The Hydrangeas around the neighborhood are in full bloom. They just knocks me out. The blue is so intense and that shade of purple?! All on one plant! Yesterday we drove up to the top of Mt. Walker. The road was all gravel but it was worth the bumpy ride. The road leads to two view points one on the North side and one on the South side at the top of the mountain. From the South you can see Mt. Rainier. ...