Godey's Lady's Magazine

Well, I haven't gotten much sewing done this month. But I have been reading! I thought I'd share this article I found about Sarah J. Hale. We quilters have all heard of "Godey's Lady's Book". It's always referenced as the first magazine to have published a quilt block pattern. Here's a bit of the background of the genesis of that venerable publication and it's woman editor! Here's the intro to the excerpt taken from Delanceyplace.com: Today's selection -- from Lady Editor: Sarah Josepha Hale and the Making of the Modern American Woman by Melanie Kirkpatrick. Sarah Josepha Hale was the first female editor of a magazine, a publication called The Ladies’ Magazine, which was owned by the Rev. John Lauris Blake of Boston. She presided as editor from 1828 to 1836, when it was acquired by Philadelphia’s Louis Antoine Godey and merged with the Lady's Book and Magazine , better known by its later name, Gode...