
Showing posts from February, 2022

Done and Done!

The beach scene is done!  I got the sky fabric from Spoonflowers in plenty of time and once that problem was solved I got the top together and quilted in a jiffy. I bordered the scene with a wide binding.  The fabric was one of the "challenge" fabrics.  I thought it made a pretty good choice for the border,  Problem was, all I was given was a FQ.  Not enough for a border and binding.  But since this is a wall hanging I reasoned it did not really need a folded over french binding. So I went with a wrap around border/binding in one. I love the look.  The simple flat edge looks great with the composition which also has that flat look. I had big ideas for the quilting.  Adding different textures for sand, water and sky but I liked the kind of smoothness of all the surfaces and worried I might mess that up with my doodles so  I quilted it really simply. Just ditch work in the major seams.               ...

On a whim...

I finished my big Orphan Block project quilt top and on a whim I decided to piece the back!  It was so much fun!! I had planned to use 108" yardage for the Orphan block quilt but I did not really have anything that filled the bill.  So I just decided to dive in and make a backing.  It threw me a little off schedule but not to bad. I have been trying for some time to make more backings.  I have soooo much fabric it just makes sense.  Awhile back I went through my Asian fabrics and culled some of the 'less loved' pieces for making backs. So the other day when I shifted gears for this project I already had a basket of fabrics ready to go.  No time wasted Dithering about what to use, I got right to work.  So it really only took me about a day to get it done!  Here's the finished top, it's  92" x  96" ! I know...Pretty busy, uh?! All the more reason to have a nice backing!  I can always flip the quilt over to rest my eyes!!! LOLOL! I hop...

Good Grief it's Already February!

 While I always think of t our local Guild Show as being at the end of February that isn't always quite accurate.  The Show is always the last Full weekend of February which means preparations start this year on the Weds. the 23rd!  So my last sewing day is the 22nd.  Which means I have 3 weeks to finish these two projects! YIKES!   Well I have been picking away at both of them.  And I am making progress bit by bit but I have come into a couple of slow downs.   My Beach scene was shaping up nicely but I just could not fine the right Sky fabric!  Once I got all the other components together;  the beach, the water and the mountains the swatch of sky fabric was just not quite big enough.  I feel like the scale of these components is very important to the design and the sky needs to be big and grand to give it proper perspective. I scoured the internet and went to two local shops.  I even purchased a few yards to audition with...